
Title and Copyright Information

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1 Technical Architecture

2 Data Seeding

3 Reporting

4 Internationalization

5 Batches

6 Batch - Data Archive

7 Technical Maintenance Screens

8 Integration

9 Configuration

10 Operational Issues Screens

A Appendix: Run Importer Separately from EICS Job Admin

B Appendix: BDI Transmitter CLI Procedure - Load External Data File

C Appendix: Report Formats

D Appendix: Batch File Layout Specifications

E Appendix: Setup Auto-Authorized Third-Party Stock Count

F Appendix: Unit and Amount Stock Counts Export

G Appendix: UPC Barcode

H Appendix: EICS Provided URLs

I Appendix: Data Seeding Process Flows

J Appendix: Pricing Import with On-premise RPM

K Appendix: Open Transaction Seed

L Appendix: Third Party Pricing Integration