Working with Project or Shell Cost Sheets

This section discusses working with cost sheets in Standard Projects and in CBS-code based shells.

For information about cost sheets in generic shells, see Generic Cost Manager.

Related Topics

Cost Sheet Sub-node (Standard View)

Project or Shell Cost Sheet

Cost Sheet Views

Open a Project or Shell Cost Sheet

Cost Sheet Restrictions

Resize cost sheet window

Split or unsplit cost sheet window

Entering Data into a Cost Sheet

Add a Line Item to a Project or Shell Cost Sheet

Enter data directly into a cell

Copy data from one column to another

View column properties

Change cost sheet currency

Expand or collapse CBS codes

View cost sheet cell details

Add Notes or Attachments to a Cell

Search for CBS codes (rows)

Edit cost sheet data

Save or view cost snapshots

Importing and Exporting Cost Sheet Data

Defining the budget

About budget and budget distribution

Open the Budget Distribution window

Distribute and lock the budget

Unlock the budget

Managing Project/Shell Cost Sheets and Properties

View or edit cost sheet properties

Working with Cost Sheet Forecasting

Working with Yet to Buy (YTB) and Allowance for Change (AFC) data sources

Working with Work Packages

Create a Work Package

Open a Work Package

Change Work Package Currency

View Work Package Properties

Export Work Package Data

Working with Worksheets

Create a Worksheet

Open a Worksheet

View or edit worksheet properties

Modify worksheet default view

Add a worksheet column to the cost sheet

Assign permissions to the worksheet

Import worksheet column details

Export worksheet details

Project or Shell Cost Sheet Log

Last Published Monday, August 28, 2023