Setting Up General Control Data

To set up general control data, use these components:

  • Change Control Management (PC_CHC).

  • Issue Priorities (PC_IM_PRIORITY).

  • Issue Status (PC_IM_STATUS).

  • Issue Types (PC_IM_TYPE).

  • Project Category Setup (PGM_CATEGORY_SETUP).

  • Application Area Setup (PGM_APPLAREA_SETUP).

  • Application Setup (PGM_APPLICAT_SETUP).

  • Project Risk Type (PGM_RISK_TYPE).

  • Release Type (PGM_RELEASE_TYPE).

  • Release Management (PGM_RELEASE).

  • Root Cause Area Setup (PGM_RCA_SETUP).

Page Name

Definition Name


Change Control Template Page


Create or modify a change control template.

Issue Priorities Page


Define priorities that are used to classify activity, project, or program issues.

Issue Status Page


Define statuses that are used to classify activity, project, or program issues.

Issue Types Page


Define issue types that are used to classify activity, project, or program issues.

Category Page


Define categories that are used to classify programs, projects, and project requests.

Application Area Page


Define application areas used to group similar applications together. Applications identify a module or specialty within a software product.

Application Page


Define applications used to identify a module or specialty within a software product.

Project Risk Types Page


Define risk types and select the risk type status.

Release Type Page


Define and maintain release types by SetID.

Release Page


Create and edit release information.

Root Cause Area Setup Page


Define root cause areas that you can specify when you enter a project or budget change request.

Use the Change Control Template page (PC_CHC_CFG) to create or modify a change control template.


Setup Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Program Management > General Options > Setup PGM Change Control Tmplt

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Change Control Template page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Change Control Template page

Use this page to specify which change control attributes are to be monitored and to what extent. Options for the fields on this page are:

Field or Control



Select to disable change control for this attribute. This is the default setting.


Select to enable change control for this attribute. They system automatically generates the user name, change made, and date for the changes.

User Input

Select to enable change control for this attribute and to require users to enter a reason for the change. When you select this option, the Change Control User Input page automatically appears after users save the changes. This option is not available for project transactions or estimate to complete changes.

Use the Issue Priorities page (PC_IM_PRIORITY) to define priorities that are used to classify activity, project, or program issues.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Program Management > General Options > Setup PGM Issue Priorities

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Issue Priorities page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Issue Priorities page

PeopleSoft Program Management delivers issue priority values of HIGH, MEDIUM, and LOW. Add a new row on this page to inactivate a priority or enter a different priority description.

Select a Description value of High, Medium, or Low for the priority that you are defining. You can select these priorities when you enter or edit an issue using the Issue page.

Issue priorities are represented by these colored visual indicators when issues appear on pagelets:

Field or Control


High Priority Level

The system displays this symbol when the selected priority for an issue is mapped to the high priority level.

Low Priority Level

The system displays this symbol when the selected priority for an issue is mapped to the medium priority level.

Medium Priority Level

The system displays this symbol when the selected priority for an issue is mapped to the low priority level.

Use the Issue Status page (PC_IM_STATUS) to define statuses that are used to classify activity, project, or program issues.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Program Management > General Options > Setup PGM Issue Status

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Issue Status page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Issue Status page

The statuses that you define on this page are available for selection when you enter or edit an issue using the Issue page. You must define issue statuses before you can enter an issue. Enter the effective date, status, and description for the issue status. You can select from only active issue statuses when you create an issue.

Use the Issue Types page (PC_IM_TYPE) to define issue types that are used to classify activity, project, or program issues.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Program Management > General Options > Setup PGM Issue Types

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Issue Type page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Issue Type page

The issue types that you define on this page are available for selection when you enter or edit an issue using the Issue page. You must define issue types before you can enter an issue. Enter the effective date, status, and description for the issue type. You can select from only active issue types when you create an issue.

Use the Category page (PGM_CATEGORY_SETUP) to define categories that are used to classify programs, projects, and project requests.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Program Management > General Options > Setup PGM Categories

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Category page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Category page

The categories that you define on this page are available for selection when you create or edit a project using the Project Definitions - General Information page. Enter the status and description for the category.

Use the Application Area page (PGM_APPLAREA_SETUP) to define application areas used to group similar applications together.

Applications identify a module or specialty within a software product.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Program Management > General Options > Setup PGM Application Area

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Application Area page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Application Area page

The application areas that you define on this page are available for selection when you create or edit a project using the Project Definitions - General Information page. Specify the status and description for the application area. You can select from only active application areas when you create applications.

Use the Application page (PGM_APPLICAT_SETUP) to define applications used to identify a module or specialty within a software product.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Program Management > General Options > Setup PGM Applications

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Application page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Application page

The application that you define on this page are available for selection when you create or edit a project using the Project Definitions - General Information page.

Field or Control


Application Area

Enter the area to which the application belongs. An application can only belong to one application area. You must set up application areas before you can set up applications.

Field or Control


Software Title

Select the software package to associate with this application. The field appears only if you have PeopleSoft Information Technology Asset Management installed.

Use the Project Risk Types page (PGM_RISK_TYPE) to define risk types and select the risk type status.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Program Management > General Options > Setup PGM Risk Types

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Project Risk Types page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Risk Type page

Specify the description and status for the project risk type. You can select from only active project risk types when you create risks.

Use the Release Type page (PGM_RELEASE_TYPE) to define and maintain release types by SetID.


Setup Financials/SupplyChain > Product Related > Program Management > General Options > Setup PGM Release Types

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Release Type page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Release Type page

Specify the status and description for the release type. You can select from only active release types when you define a release.

Use the Release page (PGM_RELEASE) to create and edit release information.


Program Management > Release Management > Define Release Definitions

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Release page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Release page

Field or Control


Release Manager

Enter the employee ID of the person responsible for managing this release.

Release Status

Select the status of this release from these options:

  • Active: Indicates that this is a current release.

    This is the default status for new releases.

  • Inactive: Indicates that this is an old or cancelled release that remains in the system for historical purposes.

  • Pending: Indicates that this is an upcoming release.

Note: For all of the online pages containing release information, the system displays only active or pending releases.

Original Release Date

Enter the date on which this release is due. If the release date changes, enter the revised release date into the Current Target Release Date field.

Current Target Release Date

Enter the revised target release date. For a new release, the default value for this field is the current date. For all of the online pages containing release information, the system displays the current target release date.

Release Type

Enter the type of release. You must define release types on the Release Type page before you can select a release type for a release.

Additional Fields

Click to access the Release Additional Fields page and enter additional information. The fields on the Release Additional Fields page are user-defined fields for informational purposes only.


Field or Control


Add Attachment

Click to add an attachment.

Note: You must have the File Attachment option set on the Installation Options - Project Costing page for attachments to work.

See PeopleSoft Asset Lifecycle Management, Enterprise Service Automation, Financial Management, Staffing Front Office, and Supply Chain Management Product-Specific Installation Instructions located on Oracle's PeopleSoft My Oracle Support website.

File Name

Displays the name of the file that you upload.

Added By, Name, and Date/Time Stamp

Displays information about the user who adds the attachment, and the date and time that the upload occurred.

Use the Root Cause Area Setup page (PGM_RCA_SETUP) to define root cause areas that you can specify when you enter a project or budget change request.


Setup Financials/SupplyChain > Product Related > Program Management > General Options > Setup PGM Root Cause Areas

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Root Cause Area Setup. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Root Cause Area Setup

You can specify a root cause area for informational purposes when you enter a project change request or a budget change request. Enter the root cause area description and status.