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Integrating with PeopleSoft SCM

Material management functions and real-time item balance and availability checks in PeopleSoft Integrated FieldService require integration with inventory and purchasing systems. If you are integrating with PeopleSoft Inventory and PeopleSoft Purchasing in the PeopleSoft SCM product line, refer to the information in the following section.

Material management transactions require these application message enterprise integration points (EIPs):

  • Business Unit EIP

  • Item Master EIP.

  • Customer EIP

  • Product EIP

  • Purchase Order Requisition EIP

  • Inventory Adjustment EIP

  • Interunit Receiving EIP

  • Purchase Order Receipt EIP

  • Item Balance EIP

  • Get Purchase Order Interunit EIP

  • Service Inventory EIP

  • Advanced Shipping Notice EIP

As delivered, PeopleSoft EIP application messages are inactive. In both PeopleSoft CRM and PeopleSoft SCM, you must activate the required application messages, set the queue statuses to run, activate service operations, associate logic to handlers (which are defined on service operations), and define the service operations for the transactions and relationships that you will be using.

Depending on the rules governing creation and updates for installed products, an installed product may exist if an order for the material was placed using PeopleSoft Order Capture, Order Capture Self Service or if an automatic shipping notification (ASN) message for the item was sent to the PeopleSoft CRM system.

If an installed product exists, the system updates the status of the record by using the rules that are established on the Installed Product page of the Product Definition component.

Also if a user creates an order in Order Management in PeopleSoft SCM, and the order undergoes the complete fulfillment cycle on the SCM side, then the advanced shipping notice, when received in CRM from Inventory, will directly create an installed product as per the configuration in the Product Definition component.

See PeopleTools: PeopleSoft Integration BrokerĀ and and PeopleTools: PeopleSoft Integration Broker Administration.

Note: If you are using older versions of PeopleTools for your Supply Chain Management (SCM) applications, refer to the PeopleTools documentation for those releases.

For the Item Balance EIP activate these request and response messages:



For the Get PO IUT EIP activate these request and response messages:



Define business units in PeopleSoft Inventory for storage locations in your field service trucks. These truck inventory business units should be separate from the inventory business units that represent your distribution warehouses. As the integration is designed, stock requested on orders that are initiated from a field service truck and fulfilled from inventory stores is transferred to the truck with an interunit transfer. This integration design assumes that the truck stock storage location is in a different business unit than the stock used to fulfill the material order.

If both the truck stock storage location and the fulfillment stock are in the same business unit, you must perform a bin-to-bin transfer within the inventory business unit to move the required material to the trucks. This material movement transaction within PeopleSoft Inventory would not provide warehouse staff with a pick list for the required move, nor would it support receiving transactions at the truck.

For the inventory business units that represent field service trucks, turn off soft reservation processing and exclude the truck business units from distribution networks. Stock in truck storage locations should not be available to fulfill sales orders and material stock requests.

Because the order of positive and negative adjustment transactions to inventory storage locations cannot be predicted, set up your inventory business units to enable transactions to drive inventory quantity balances negative.

See PeopleSoft FSCM Inventory.

After defining inventory business units representing field service trucks in PeopleSoft Inventory, define storage locations within the inventory business units that represent good and defective storage locations on your field service trucks. In PeopleSoft CRM, use the Storage Locations page in the Worker component to associate one good truck stock location and one defective truck stock location with each member of your provider groups.

When defining storage areas in PeopleSoft Inventory, represent each field service truck as a storage area, with storage levels within the area representing the good and defective locations for the truck. This model facilitates searching and reporting on truck stock storage areas in PeopleSoft Inventory.

Define the good truck storage locations as netable and the defective truck storage locations as non-netable in PeopleSoft Inventory. For implementations that include PeopleSoft Planning or PeopleSoft Production Planning, defining defective truck storage locations as non-netable prevents planning processes from counting the defective or returned stock in these locations as available.

On the Storage Location page in the Worker component in PeopleSoft CRM, business units defined in PeopleSoft SCM are available for selection if the Business Unit EIP has been implemented. The business unit prompt includes all business units; the system does not filter by inventory business units. Additionally, there are no prompts for the storage location definition fields. Your data-entry staff must know the correct inventory business unit to select and the correct storage location information to enter. Carefully check the storage locations entered in PeopleSoft CRM for accuracy. For material movement transactions initiated from the Order Materials and Service Order component to be successfully recorded in PeopleSoft Inventory, the storage locations entered in PeopleSoft CRM must define a valid storage location for the inventory business unit referenced in the IN Unit (inventory unit) field on the Storage Location page.

The good truck storage location is used on receipt and material usage transactions initiated from the Order Materials and Service Order component. The defective truck storage location is used for material removal transactions initiated from the Service Order component.

When you perform an Item Balance By Group Member inquiry in PeopleSoft CRM, only item balances from good truck storage locations appear.

See PeopleSoft FSCM Inventory.

Item information in PeopleSoft CRM must be synchronized with item information in PeopleSoft SCM. Although you can manually enter item information in PeopleSoft CRM, it's better to use the Item Master EIP to populate item tables in PeopleSoft CRM with the master item data in PeopleSoft SCM. Once the Item Master EIP is activated, however, the pages of the Item Definition component in PeopleSoft CRM can be used only to view item information. You cannot add or update item definitions in PeopleSoft CRM.

PeopleSoft CRM stores only a subset of the item attributes defined in PeopleSoft SCM (only the item attributes that are used in PeopleSoft CRM are synchronized). To view the complete item definition, use the item definition components in PeopleSoft SCM.

Item definitions in PeopleSoft CRM are stored at the setID level only. Therefore, it is possible that a particular item may have a status of Active at the setID level but a status of Inactive in any of the business units in which it is defined.

When you define interunit transfer defaults for your inventory business units using the Interunit Transfer Setup component in PeopleSoft Supply Chain Management, clear the Flag Items for Auto-Putaway check box for destination business units that represent field service trucks. You must clear this check box to require a receipt transaction to be performed against all interunit receipts. When the Flag Items for Auto-Putaway check box is selected, PeopleSoft Inventory automatically sets the status of the interunit transfer to Received without requiring a receipt transaction. If the status of the receipt is Received, PeopleSoft CRM cannot retrieve the expected receipt information for the order on the Order Materials page.

See PeopleSoft FSCM Inventory and PeopleSoft FSCM Cost Management.

When defining a field service business unit on the FieldService Definition page, you can determine whether the material orders initiated from the Service Order component can be automatically received. In environments without automatic receiving, technicians must enter receiving information for a material shipment before they can record usage of the material.

With automatic receiving, technicians enter only usage information (the quantity used and the quantity not used) from which the system automatically derives and posts the appropriate receiving transactions. Select the automatic receiving option that best meets your business practices. Neither option offers significant data-entry advantages, and the material management transactions produced in both automatic and manual receiving environments are identical.

With autoreceiving turned on, the receipt of materials comes into the system through the Service Order component. If you are not using autoreceiving, the receipt of materials comes into the system through the Order Materials component.

Field service business units in PeopleSoft CRM must be defined as a valid source of requisitions in PeopleSoft SCM. Using the Requisition Loader Defaults component in PeopleSoft SCM, you define each field service business unit as a loader business unit and establish processing defaults for requisitions staged by the field service business unit, including the PeopleSoft Purchasing business unit that will process the requisitions.

When defining procurement options in PeopleSoft SCM, you can use the Ship To Locations page to associate a field service business unit with an appropriate distribution network. Sourcing processes in PeopleSoft Purchasing can be configured to check available quantity in the distribution network before creating a purchase order with an external vendor. If quantity exists in one of the inventory business units in the defined distribution network, an interunit transfer is created to fulfill the requisition. Inventory business units representing field service trucks should not be included in distribution networks.

Because it's a one-way sync from the PeopleSoft FIN/SCM database to the PeopleSoft CRM database, you must add PeopleSoft Integrated FieldService business units to the PeopleSoft FSCM database.

For more information, refer to the following documentation:

  • PeopleSoft FSCM Purchasing

  • PeopleSoft FSCM Inventory

  • PeopleSoft FSCM Application Fundamental

For requisitions initiated from the Order Materials component in PeopleSoft CRM, the system builds a requisition ID by combining the material header ID and the material line number. Material header IDs are created through automatic numbering and are a maximum of eight digits. The material line number is two digits.

Every requisition generated in PeopleSoft CRM includes a requester ID, representing the person or entity that initiates a requisition request. For requisitions initiated from the Order Materials page, the system populates the Requester field with the default requester ID defined on the User Preferences - Overall Preferences page. You can enter an alternate requester ID as necessary; however, the requester ID on requisitions staged in PeopleSoft Purchasing must be defined as a valid requester ID in PeopleSoft SCM. Requesters are established on the Requester Setup page in PeopleSoft SCM under Structure Procurement Options.

You can set up requester IDs that are associated with multiple user IDs. In this case, a requester ID represents a specific group or region. Setting up requester IDs this way enables you to monitor requisitions staged by the associated group or region, rather than by a specific person. (Monitor requisitions using the Requisition Workbench in PeopleSoft Purchasing.)

For more information, refer to the following documentation:

  • PeopleSoft FSCM Application Fundamental

  • PeopleSoft FSCM Purchasing

Correct errors in transactions staged to PeopleSoft SCM using the error correction pages in PeopleSoft SCM. For example, if a material management transaction is sent to PeopleSoft SCM using an invalid storage location, the transaction remains staged until the error is corrected in PeopleSoft SCM. After correction, you can reprocess the transaction.

When using the Order Materials component within the portal, users can link to the Requisition Workbench component in PeopleSoft Purchasing and the Item/Product Availability component in PeopleSoft Inventory. Implementation of these links depends on where the portal is installed in your system. To correctly install the portal define content reference for PeopleSoft SCM in the ERP node under the portal content tab.

See PeopleTools: Portal Technology.