Creating Connections

You define connections to the specific cloud applications that you want to integrate. The following topics describe how to define connections:

Creating a Connection

The first step in creating an integration is to create the connections to the applications with which you want to share data.

  1. In the Integration Cloud Service toolbar, click Designer.

  2. On the Designer Portal, click Connections.

  3. Click Create New Connection.
    Description of GUID-8CBFC9BE-8EE5-44B3-8EDC-DB4B6FB5698C-default.png follows
    Description of the illustration GUID-8CBFC9BE-8EE5-44B3-8EDC-DB4B6FB5698C-default.png
    The Create Connection — Select Adapter dialog is displayed.
  4. Select an adapter from the dialog. You can also search for the type of adapter to use by entering a partial or full name in the Search field, and clicking Search.
    The New Connection — Information dialog is displayed.
  5. Enter the information to describe the connection. Use a meaningful name to help others find your connection when they begin to create their own integrations.

  6. Click Create.
    Your connection is created and you are now ready to configure connection details, such as email contact, connection properties, security policies, and connection login credentials.

Adding a Contact Email

From the Connection Administrator section of the connection, you can add a contact email address for notifications.

  1. In the Email Address field, enter an email address to receive email notifications when problems occur.
  2. In the upper right corner, click Save.

Configuring Connection Properties

Enter connection information so your application can process requests.

  1. Click Configure Connectivity.
    The Connection Properties dialog is displayed.
  2. See the following sections for information about specifying connection properties.
    For the Eventbrite Adapter, see Using the Eventbrite Adapter.
    For the Evernote Adapter, see Using the Evernote Adapter.
    For the Facebook Adapter, see Using the Facebook Adapter.
    For the FTP Adapter, see Using the FTP Adapter.
    For the Gmail Adapter, see Using the Gmail Adapter.
    For the Google Calendar Adapter, see Using the Google Calendar Adapter.
    For the Google Task Adapter, see Using the Google Task Adapter.
    For the LinkedIn Adapter, see Using the LinkedIn Adapter.
    For the MailChimp Adapter, see Using the MailChimp Adapter.
    For the Microsoft Calendar Adapter, see Using the Microsoft Calendar Adapter.
    For the Microsoft Contact Adapter, see Using the Microsoft Contact Adapter.
    For the Microsoft Email Adapter, see Using the Microsoft Email Adapter.
    For the MySQL Adapter, see Using the MySQL Adapter.
    For the Oracle Commerce Cloud Adapter, see Using the Oracle Commerce Cloud Adapter.
    For the Oracle Database Adapter, see Using the Oracle Database Adapter.
    For the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter, see Using Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter.
    For the Oracle Siebel Adapter, see Using the Oracle Siebel Adapter.
    For the SurveyMonkey Adapter, see Using the SurveyMonkey Adapter.
    For the SAP Adapter, see Using the SAP Adapter.
    For the Twitter Adapter, see Using the Twitter Adapter.
  3. Click OK.
    You are now ready to configure connection security.

Specifying the Oracle RightNow Cloud WSDL

The following table describes the Oracle RightNow WSDL requirements.

WSDL Requirements Where Do You Get the WSDL

Only the standard WSDL is supported. The partner WSDL is not supported.

The standard WSDL can include support for both business objects and event subscriptions. This enables you to receive either a business object or an event subscriptions as a request from the Oracle RightNow application. Event subscriptions are supported only if the Oracle RightNow application version is equal to or greater than version 15.5 (May 2015 release). Otherwise, only business objects are visible for selection in the configuration wizard.

To obtain the standard WSDL:
  1. Collect the following details from your Oracle RightNow Cx Account:

    • Host

    • Interface name

    • User name and password

  2. Open your web browser and enter the following URL to obtain the standard WSDL, replacing the host name and interface details as appropriate.


    For example:


    Permissions for the Public SOAP API must be enabled for the user account to enable use of the Oracle RightNow Connect Web Services for SOAP API. Permissions for the Public SOAP API enable staff members with this profile to access the public SOAP API through account or session authentication.

    The Oracle RightNow adapter does not support a partner WSDL/generic WSDL. Therefore, the following URL is not supported.

Specifying the Oracle Sales Cloud Adapter Service Catalog Service WSDL or Event Catalog URL

You must specify a mandatory Oracle Sales Cloud Adapter service catalog service WSDL (for accessing business objects) and optionally an event catalog URL (for accessing event subscriptions) in the Connection Properties dialog.

A mandatory Oracle Sales Cloud Adapter service catalog service WSDL is required to configure the adapter for both inbound and outbound endpoints using either business objects or business services. You can also optionally specify an event catalog URL for accessing and configuring the inbound adapter to use event subscriptions.

Obtaining the Service Catalog Service WSDL

WSDL Requirements Where Do You Get the WSDL?

The URL must be that of a service catalog service WSDL. The service catalog service is a Fusion Application service that returns a list of external services available for integration. It allows clients to retrieve information about all public Fusion Application service endpoints available for that instance.

The service catalog service enables clients to retrieve information about all public Oracle Fusion Application service endpoints available for that instance. The information it returns is specific to the particular cloud instance and also reflects the new services that may have been introduced in patches applied to the instance. This service is used to programmatically discover the SOAP services available on the cloud instance and retrieve the necessary metadata to invoke the SOAP services to manage business objects.

The developer creating an Oracle Sales Cloud connection must work with the Oracle Sales Cloud service administrator to get the concrete WSDL URL for the service catalog service provisioned for the specific SaaS application.

This section describes how to derive the external virtual host and port for a tokenized service catalog service WSDL. The topology information in the Topology Registration setup task contains the external virtual host and port for the domains and applications. The following instructions describe the steps for deriving the values using the service catalog service WSDL URL as an example: https://atf_server:port/fndAppCoreServices/ServiceCatalogService.

To access the Review Topology page, the ASM_REVIEW_TOPOLOGY_HIERARCHY_PRIV entitlement must be granted to the user’s job role. The entitlement is granted to the ASM_APPLICATION_DEPLOYER_DUTY duty role, which is inherited by the duty roles ASM_APPLICATION_DEVELOPER_DUTY and ASM_APPLICATION_ADMIN_DUTY.

If the menu items and tasks described in the following procedure are not available in your cloud instance, your user account is missing the required role. Contact your cloud instance security administrator for assistance.

  1. Log in to the cloud instance.

  2. Click the Navigator icon in the global area in the top part of the window, then chose Setup and Maintenance under the Tools heading.

  3. Select Review Topology under the Topology Registration section in the Tasks regional area on the left side of the window.

  4. Click the Detailed tab in the middle of the window.

    The tab shows the list of domains configured in the cloud instance.
    Description of GUID-A83FF1BE-84D9-49C5-8820-9F7EBB92A3FD-default.png follows
    Description of the illustration GUID-A83FF1BE-84D9-49C5-8820-9F7EBB92A3FD-default.png

  5. Map the token name for the service path value to the domain name in the Topology Manager:
    Token Name in Service Path Domain Name
    atf_server CommonDomain
    crm_server CRMDomain
    fin_server FinancialDomain
    hcm_server HCMDomain
    ic_server ICDomain
    prc_server ProcurementDomain
    prj_server ProjectsDomain
    scm_server SCMDomain
  6. Expand the domain name and select any external virtual host and port for the J2EE applications that are deployed on the domain. In the sample window, the values for this particular instance are fs-your-cloud-hostname and 443, respectively.
    Description of GUID-CB01D3AF-462B-4765-81A8-7E2BBEE1BA6F-default.png follows
    Description of the illustration GUID-CB01D3AF-462B-4765-81A8-7E2BBEE1BA6F-default.png

  7. Replace the domainName_server:PortNumber with the external virtual host and port identified in the previous step. For example:


Obtaining the Event Catalog URL

You must know the customer relationship management (CRM) URL format to access the CRM application user interface. Follow the URL format to determine the event catalog URL. For example, if the CRM URL format is:

Then the event catalog URL is:

Specifying the Oracle Messaging Service Cloud Service Messaging URI

The following table describes the Oracle Messaging Cloud Service messaging URI requirements.

WSDL Requirements Where Do You Get the WSDL

No restrictions.

Specify the URI of the messaging service to which you subscribed.

Specifying the Oracle Eloqua Cloud Company Name

The following table describes the Oracle Eloqua company name requirements.

Company Name Requirements Where Do You Get the Company Name

There are no special requirements.

Not applicable.

Specifying the Oracle HCM Cloud Service Catalog Service WSDL or Event Catalog URL

You must specify a mandatory Oracle HCM Cloud service catalog service WSDL (for accessing business objects) and optionally an event catalog URL (for accessing event subscriptions).

Obtaining the Service Cloud Service WSDL

A mandatory Oracle HCM Cloud service catalog service WSDL is required for accessing business objects. You can also optionally specify an event catalog URL for event subscriptions. The service catalog service WSDL is required to configure the adapter for both inbound and outbound endpoints using either business objects or business services. The event catalog URL is required for configuring the inbound adapter for event subscriptions.

WSDL Requirements Where Do You Get the WSDL

The URL must be that of a service catalog service WSDL. The service catalog service enables clients to retrieve information about all public Oracle Fusion Application service endpoints available for that instance. The information it returns is specific to the particular cloud instance and also reflects the new services that may have been introduced in patches applied to the instance. This service is used to programmatically discover the SOAP services available on the cloud instance and retrieve the necessary metadata to invoke the SOAP services to manage business objects.

The developer creating an Oracle HCM Cloud connection must work with the Oracle HCM Cloud service administrator to get the concrete WSDL URL for the service catalog service provisioned for the specific SaaS application. The concrete WSDL URL must be supplied while creating the connection.


This section describes how to derive the external virtual host and port for a tokenized service WSDL. The topology information in the Topology Registration setup task contains the external virtual host and port for the domains and applications. The following instructions describe the steps for deriving the values using the service catalog service WSDL URL as an example: https://atf_server:port/fndAppCoreServices/ServiceCatalogService.

To access the Review Topology page, the ASM_REVIEW_TOPOLOGY_HIERARCHY_PRIV entitlement must be granted to the user's job role. The entitlement is granted to the ASM_APPLICATION_DEPLOYER_DUTY duty role, which is inherited by the duty roles ASM_APPLICATION_DEVELOPER_DUTY and ASM_APPLICATION_ADMIN_DUTY.

If the menu items and tasks described in the following procedure are not available in your cloud instance, your user account is missing the required role. Contact your cloud instance security administrator for assistance.

  1. Log in to the cloud instance.

  2. Click the Navigator icon in the global area in the top part of the window, then chose Setup and Maintenance under the Tools heading.

  3. Select Review Topology under the Topology Registration section in the Tasks regional area on the left side of the window.

  4. Click the Detailed tab in the middle of the window.

    The tab shows the list of domains configured in the cloud instance.
    Description of GUID-A83FF1BE-84D9-49C5-8820-9F7EBB92A3FD-default.png follows
    Description of the illustration GUID-A83FF1BE-84D9-49C5-8820-9F7EBB92A3FD-default.png

  5. Map the token name for the service path value to the domain name in the Topology Manager:
    Token Name in Service Path Domain Name
    atf_server CommonDomain
    crm_server CRMDomain
    fin_server FinancialDomain
    hcm_server HCMDomain
    ic_server ICDomain
    prc_server ProcurementDomain
    prj_server ProjectsDomain
    scm_server SCMDomain
  6. Expand the domain name and select any external virtual host and port for the J2EE applications that are deployed on the domain. In the sample window, the values for this particular instance are fs-your-cloud-hostname and 443, respectively.
    Description of GUID-CB01D3AF-462B-4765-81A8-7E2BBEE1BA6F-default.png follows
    Description of the illustration GUID-CB01D3AF-462B-4765-81A8-7E2BBEE1BA6F-default.png

  7. Replace the domainName_server:PortNumber with the external virtual host and port identified in the previous step. For example:


Obtaining the Event Catalog URL

You must know the CRM URL format to access the CRM application user interface. Follow the URL format to determine the event catalog URL. For example, if the CRM URL format is:

Then the event catalog URL is:

Specifying the Salesforce WSDL

The following table describes the Salesforce WSDL requirements.

WSDL Requirements Where Do You Get the WSDL

Only enterprise WSDLs are supported.

See the instructions below.

  1. Log in to your Enterprise, Unlimited, or Developer Edition account. Open the Web browser and enter the following URL:

  2. Log in to using a valid user name and password.

    You must log in as an administrator or user with the Modify All Data permission. Logins are checked to ensure that they are from a known IP address.

  3. Under App Setup, Expand Develop and click API to display the WSDL download page.

  4. If the organization has managed packages installed in the organization, click Generate Enterprise WSDL. Salesforce prompts you to select the version of each installed package to include in the generated WSDL or right-click Generate Enterprise WSDL and save it to a local directory.

    In the right-click menu, Internet Explorer users can choose Save Target As, while Mozilla Firefox users can choose Save Link As to save it to the local directory.

    The Save dialog is displayed.

  5. Provide a name for the WSDL file and a location to save the file on your file system, and click Save.

Specifying the Oracle ERP Cloud Service Catalog Service WSDL or Event Catalog URL

You specify a mandatory Oracle ERP Cloud service catalog service WSDL (for accessing business objects) and optionally an event catalog URL (for accessing event subscriptions). The service catalog service WSDL is required to configure the adapter for both inbound and outbound endpoints using either business objects or business services. The event catalog URL is required for configuring the inbound adapter for event subscriptions.

Obtaining the Service Cloud Service WSDL

WSDL Requirements Where Do You Get the WSDL

The URL must be that of a service catalog service WSDL. The service catalog service is a Fusion Application service that returns a list of external services available for integration. It allows clients to retrieve information about all public Fusion Application service endpoints available for that instance.

The service catalog service enables clients to retrieve information about all public Oracle Fusion Application service endpoints available for that instance. The information it returns is specific to the particular cloud instance and also reflects the new services that may have been introduced in patches applied to the instance. This service is used to programmatically discover the SOAP services available on the cloud instance and retrieve the necessary metadata to invoke the SOAP services to manage business objects.

The developer creating an Oracle ERP Cloud connection must work with the Oracle ERP Cloud service administrator to get the concrete WSDL URL for the service catalog service provisioned for the specific SaaS application.

This section describes how to derive the external virtual host and port for a tokenized service WSDL. The topology information in the Topology Registration setup task contains the external virtual host and port for the domains and applications. The following instructions describe the steps for deriving the values using the service catalog service WSDL URL as an example: https://atf_server:port/fndAppCoreServices/ServiceCatalogService.

To access the Review Topology page, the ASM_REVIEW_TOPOLOGY_HIERARCHY_PRIV entitlement must be granted to the user's job role. The entitlement is granted to the ASM_APPLICATION_DEPLOYER_DUTY duty role, which is inherited by the duty roles ASM_APPLICATION_DEVELOPER_DUTY and ASM_APPLICATION_ADMIN_DUTY.

If the menu items and tasks described in the following procedure are not available in your cloud instance, your user account is missing the required role. Contact your cloud instance security administrator for assistance.

  1. Log in to the cloud instance.

  2. Click the Navigator icon in the global area in the top part of the window, then chose Setup and Maintenance under the Tools heading.

  3. Select Review Topology under the Topology Registration section in the Tasks regional area on the left side of the window.

  4. Click the Detailed tab in the middle of the window.

    The tab shows the list of domains configured in the cloud instance.
    Description of GUID-A83FF1BE-84D9-49C5-8820-9F7EBB92A3FD-default.png follows
    Description of the illustration GUID-A83FF1BE-84D9-49C5-8820-9F7EBB92A3FD-default.png

  5. Map the token name for the service path value to the domain name in the Topology Manager:
    Token Name in Service Path Domain Name
    atf_server CommonDomain
    crm_server CRMDomain
    fin_server FinancialDomain
    hcm_server HCMDomain
    ic_server ICDomain
    prc_server ProcurementDomain
    prj_server ProjectsDomain
    scm_server SCMDomain
  6. Expand the domain name and select any external virtual host and port for the J2EE applications that are deployed on the domain. In the sample window, the values for this particular instance are fs-your-cloud-hostname and 443, respectively.
    Description of GUID-CB01D3AF-462B-4765-81A8-7E2BBEE1BA6F-default.png follows
    Description of the illustration GUID-CB01D3AF-462B-4765-81A8-7E2BBEE1BA6F-default.png

  7. Replace the domainName_server:PortNumber with the external virtual host and port identified in the previous step. For example:


Obtaining the Event Catalog URL

You must know the CRM URL format to access the CRM application user interface. Follow the URL format to determine the event catalog URL. For example, if the CRM URL format is:

Then the event catalog URL is:

Specifying the SOAP Adapter WSDL

The following table describes the SOAP Adapter WSDL requirements.

WSDL Requirements Where Do You Get the WSDL

There is no restriction on the type of WSDL to use.

Any valid WSDL is an acceptable input.

Specifying the REST Adapter Endpoint

The following table describes the REST Adapter endpoint requirements.

Endpoint Requirements Where Do You Get the Endpoint

Specify an endpoint that adheres to the following format.


Not applicable.

Specifying the Oracle CPQ Cloud WSDL

The following table describes the Oracle CPQ Cloud WSDL requirements.

WSDL Requirements Where Do You Get the WSDL
  • The WSDL must be generated by the CPQ Cloud site to integrate with Integration Cloud Service.

  • Web Services 2.0 must be used to generate the URL needed to generate the WSDL.

  • The Commerce SOAP server URL endpoint must be used to generate the URL needed to generate the WSDL.

  • The commerce process to integrate with ICS must be used to generate the URL needed to generate the WSDL.

Integration Cloud Service uses the Oracle CPQ Cloud transaction WSDL to understand the valid data and operations provided by Oracle CPQ Cloud.

To access the Oracle CPQ Cloud transaction WSDL:
  1. Log in to the Oracle CPQ Cloud site that you want integrate with Integration Cloud Service.

  2. To open the Admin home page, click Admin.

    The Admin home page appears.

  3. Under Integration Platform, click Web Services.

  4. For the Web Service Version, select 2.0.

  5. Ensure that the Commerce tab is the current tab.

  6. From the Process Name list, select the name of the commerce process to integrate with Integration Cloud Service.

  7. In the SOAP Server URL field, append ?WSDL to the end of the value.

    For example: https://site_URL/v2_0/receiver/commerce/processVarName/?WSDL.


    • site_URL is the base URL of the Oracle CPQ Cloud site.

    • processVarNameis the variable name of the selected commerce process.

    • Optional: To confirm that the URL is correct, open it in a web browser. A page of WSDL should appear.

    Use the URL you created as needed in Integration Cloud Service to reference the CPQ Cloud transaction WSDL.

Specifying the NetSuite Adapter WSDL

The following table describes the NetSuite Adapter WSDL requirements.

WSDL Requirements Where Do You Get the WSDL

You must specify the NetSuite WSDL.

Specify the following NetSuite WSDL:

where NetSuite_application_version is the version of the NetSuite application. For example:

The web services may or may not be hosted at the above location. The adapter can programmatically determine the correct URL for the web services. NetSuite hosts customer accounts in multiple locations. For example:



Configuring Connection Security

Configure security for your connection by selecting the security policy and specifying login credentials.

  1. Click Configure Credentials.
  2. Enter your login credentials.
    1. Select the security policy. The default security policy is displayed first. The security policies available for selection are defined by the adapter you are configuring. For example, the Oracle RightNow Cloud and Oracle Sales Cloud adapters support the username password token policy, the Oracle Eloqua Cloud adapter supports HTTP basic authentication, and the SOAP adapter supports username password token, basic authentication, or not selecting any policy.
    2. If configuring an Eloqua Cloud connection, enter the company property.
    3. Enter a username and password.
    4. Reenter the password a second time.
  3. Click OK.
    You are now ready to test your connection.

Configuring the Connection Security Policy

The different adapters support a variety of security policies. Some support only a single type, others support multiple types of security policies.

The following table lists the different adapters, the types of security policies they support, and the fields required by those policies.

Adapter Type Security Policies Fields

SOAP Adapter

Username Password Token

  • Username — The name of a user who has access to the destination web service.

  • Password

  • Confirm Password


Basic Authentication (In the trigger (inbound) direction, HTTP basic authentication over SSL is supported.)

If Basic Authentication is required for both trigger and invoke, you must create two separate connections

  • One for the trigger with the user name and password set to the ICS runtime user name and password.

  • One for the invoke, with the user name/and password set to the outbound web service.

  • Username — The name of a user who has access to the destination web service.

  • Password

  • Confirm Password


No Security Policy


REST Adapter

Basic Authentication

  • Username — The name of a user who has access to the destination web service.

  • Password

  • Confirm Password


OAuth Client Credentials

  • Access Token URI — The URL from which to obtain the access token.

  • Client Id — The client identifier issued to the client during the registration process.

  • Client Secret — The client secret.

  • Scope — The scope of the access request. Scopes enable you to specify which type of access you need. Scopes limit access for the OAuth token. They do not grant any additional permission beyond that which the user already possesses.

  • Auth Request Media Type — The format of the data you want to receive.


OAuth Resource Owner Password Credentials

  • Access Token URI — The URL from which to obtain the access token.

  • Client Id — The client identifier issued to the client during the registration process.

  • Client Secret — The client secret.

  • Scope — The scope of the access request. Scopes enable you to specify which type of access you need. Scopes limit access for the OAuth token. They do not grant any additional permission beyond that which the user already possesses.

  • Auth Request Media Type — The format of the data you want to receive.

  • Username — The resource owner’s user name.

  • Password — The resource owner’s password.

  • Confirm Password

  OAuth Authorization Code Credentials
  • Client Id — The client identifier issued to the client during the registration process.

  • Client Secret — The client secret.

  • Authorization Code URI— The URI from which to request the authorization code.

  • Access Token URI — URI to use for the access token.

  • Scope — The scope of the access request. Scopes enable you to specify which type of access you need. Scopes limit access for the OAuth token. They do not grant any additional permission beyond that which the user already possesses.


OAuth Custom Three Legged Flow

Complete the fields appropriate to your integration. You must already have created your client application to complete the necessary fields.

  • Authorization Request — The client application URL to which you are redirected when you provide consent. The authorization server sends a callback to Oracle Integration Cloud Service to obtain an access token for storage. When you create your client application, you must register a redirect URI where the client application is listening.

  • Access Token Request — The access token request to use to fetch the access token. Specify the request using CURL syntax. For example:

    -X POST method -H headers -d string_data access_token_uri?query_parameters
  • Refresh Token Request — The refresh token request to use to fetch the access token. This request refreshes the access token if it expires. Specify the request using CURL syntax. For example

    -X POST method -H headers -d string_data access_token_uri?query_parameters
  • Saccess_token — Use a regular expression (regex) to retrieve the access token.

  • Srefresh_token — Use regex to retrieve the refresh token.

  • Sexpiry — Use regex to identify when the access token expires.

  • Stoken_type — Use regex to identify the access token type.

  • access_token_usage — Specify how to pass the access token to access a protected resource. You can pass the token as a bearer token or as a query parameter. For example:

    -H Authorization: Bearer ${access_token}

OAuth Custom Two Legged Flow

Complete the fields appropriate to your integration. You must already have created your client application to complete the necessary fields.

  • Access Token Request — The access token request to use to fetch the access token. Specify the request using CURL syntax. For example:

    -X POST method -H headers -d string_data access_token_uri?query_parameters
  • Refresh Token Request — The refresh token request to use to fetch the access token. This request refreshes the access token if it expires. Specify the request using CURL syntax. For example

    -X POST method -H headers -d string_data access_token_uri?query_parameters
  • Sauth_code — Use regex to identify the authorization code.

  • Saccess_token — Use regex to identify the access token.

  • Srefresh_token — Use regex to identify the refresh token.

  • Sexpiry — Use regex to identify when the access token expires.

  • Stoken_type — Use regex to identify the access token type.

  • access_token_usage — Specify how to pass the access token to access a protected resource. You can pass the token as a bearer token or as a query parameter. For example:

    -H Authorization: Bearer ${access_token}

No Security Policy


Salesforce Adapter

Salesforce Login

  • Username — The name of a user who has access to the destination web service.

  • Password

  • Confirm Password

NetSuite Adapter

NetSuite Authentication

  • Email Address — Email address that serves as the user name.

  • Account

  • Role — Role-based access control ensures that users can only use data and application functionality that is related to their responsibilities.

  • Password

  • Confirm Password

Oracle Eloqua Cloud Adapter

Eloqua HTTP Basic Authentication

  • Company — The company name.

  • Username

  • Password

  • Confirm Password

Oracle Sales Cloud Adapter

Username Password Token

  • Username

  • Password

  • Confirm Password

Oracle HCM Cloud Adapter

Username Password Token

  • Username

  • Password

  • Confirm Password

Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter

Username Password Token

  • Username

  • Password

  • Confirm Password

Oracle RightNow Cloud Adapter

Username Password Token

  • Username

  • Password

  • Confirm Password

Oracle Message Cloud Service

Username Password Token

  • Username

  • Password

  • Confirm Password

Oracle CPQ Cloud

Username Password Token

  • Username

  • Password

  • Confirm Password

For the security policies of additional adapters, see the following:

Testing the Connection

Test your connection to ensure that it is successfully configured.

  1. In the upper right corner of the page, click Test.
    If successful, the following message is displayed and the progress indicator shows 100%.

    The connection test was successful!

  2. If your connection was unsuccessful, an error message is displayed with details. Verify that the configuration details you entered are correct.
  3. When complete, click Save.

Editing a Connection

You can edit connection settings after creating a new connection.

  1. In the Oracle Integration Cloud Service toolbar, click Designer.
  2. On the Designer Portal, click Connections.
  3. On the Connections page, select Edit from the connection Actions menu or click the connection name.
    Description of GUID-5F51C715-A667-4995-A8D4-A22FD1FA9C46-default.png follows
    Description of the illustration GUID-5F51C715-A667-4995-A8D4-A22FD1FA9C46-default.png
    The Connection page is displayed.
  4. To edit the notification email contact, change the email address in the Email Address field.
  5. To edit the connection properties, click Configure Connectivity. Note that some connections do not include this button. If your connector does not include a Configure Connectivity button, then click the Configure Credentials button.

Cloning a Connection

You can clone a copy of an existing connection. It is a quick way to create a new connection.

  1. In the Oracle Integration Cloud Service toolbar, click Designer.
  2. On the Designer Portal, click Connections.
  3. On the Connections page, select Clone from the connection Actions menu.
    Description of GUID-5F51C715-A667-4995-A8D4-A22FD1FA9C46-default.png follows
    Description of the illustration GUID-5F51C715-A667-4995-A8D4-A22FD1FA9C46-default.png
    The Clone Connection dialog is displayed.
  4. Enter the connection information.
  5. Click Clone.
  6. Click Edit to configure the credentials of your cloned connection. Cloning a connection does not copy the credentials.
See Editing a Connection for instructions.

Deleting a Connection

You can delete a connection from the connection menu.

  1. In the Oracle Integration Cloud Service toolbar, click Designer.
  2. On the Designer Portal, click Connections.
  3. On the Connections page, click Delete from the connection Actions menu.
    Description of GUID-5F51C715-A667-4995-A8D4-A22FD1FA9C46-default.png follows
    Description of the illustration GUID-5F51C715-A667-4995-A8D4-A22FD1FA9C46-default.png
    The Delete Connection dialog is displayed if the connection is not used in an integration.
  4. Click Yes to confirm deletion.

Refreshing Integration Metadata

You can manually refresh the currently-cached metadata available to adapters that have implemented metadata caching. Metadata changes typically relate to customizations of integrations, such as adding custom objects and attributes to integrations. There may also be cases in which integrations have been patched, which results in additional custom objects and attributes being added. This option is similar to clearing the cache in your browser. Without a manual refresh, a staleness check is only performed when you drag a connection into an integration. This is typically sufficient, but in some cases you may know that a refresh is required. For these cases, the Refresh Metadata menu option is provided.

To refresh integration metadata:


The Refresh Metadata menu option is only available with adapters that have implemented metadata caching.
  1. In the Integration Cloud Service toolbar, click Designer.

  2. In the Designer Portal, click Connections.
  3. Locate the connection to refresh.
  4. From the menu at the right, select Refresh Metadata.

    A message is displayed indicating that the refresh was successful.
    Metadata refresh for connection "RightNow" has been initiated successfully.