Reporting and Analytics Learning Center

1 How Do I Create a New Report?

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This tutorial shows you how to create a new Fusion report. A Fusion report is based on an "analysis" that defines the information you want to see in the report. So to create a new Fusion report, you first need to create an analysis. The folder in which you save the analysis controls whether it is only available for your personal use, or whether other people can use the analysis.

How to Create a New Report

  1. From the Navigator menu, select Reports and Analytics.

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    The Reports and Analytics page is displayed.

  2. Click Create and select Analysis.

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    The Select Subject Area list is displayed.

  3. Select a subject area.

    For example, select the Sales - CRM Pipeline subject area:

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  4. Expand the subject area folder (by clicking the arrow next to the folder) and select the columns to include in the analysis.

    For each column that you want to add:

    1. Select the column in the Subject Areas list.

    2. Click the Add button (the right arrow button to the right of the Subject Areas list) to move it to the Selected Columns list.

    For example, suppose that you want to create an analysis that shows opportunities by sales stage. Select the following columns from the Subject Areas list and move them to the Selected Columns list:

    From the Employee folder: Employee Name
    From the Opportunity Name folder: Opportunity Name, Sales Stage Name, and Status
    From the Facts/Pipeline Facts folder: # of Opportunities
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  5. Click Next.

  6. Specify the views (that is, the ways to visually present the data) to include in the analysis. You can include a table, a graph, or both a table and a graph.

    The Table options include:

    • None — Specifies no table.

    • Table (recommended) — Specifies a table. (This is the recommended table type for nonhierarchical data).

    • Summary Table — Specifies a table that also includes summaries of the data (for example, grand totals).

    • Pivot — Specifies a pivot table (recommended for hierarchical data).

    • Summary Pivot — Specifies a pivot table that also includes summaries of the data (for example, grand totals).

    The Graph options include:

    • None — Specifies no graph.

    • Bar (recommended) — Specifies a bar graph. (This is the recommended graph type by default.)

    • Area — Specifies an area graph.

    • Scatter — Specifies a scatter graph.

    • Pie — Specifies a pie graph.

    • Line-Bar — Specifies a line-bar graph.

    If you include both a table and a graph, use the Layout option to select the placement of the table and graph in the analysis, that is, Table above Graph, Table below Graph, Table to the left of Graph, or Table to right of Graph.

    For example, click the Graph box and select Bar (recommended).

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  7. In the Title field, enter the title.

    For example, enter Opportunity Count by Sales Stage.

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  8. Click Next.

  9. Save the analysis as follows:

    1. In the Analysis Name field, specify a name for the analysis.

    2. In the Save In list, select the folder in which to save the analysis.

      The folder in which you save the analysis controls whether the analysis is available only for your personal use or available to other users.

      If you save the analysis in My Folders, then it available only for your personal use. If you save the analysis in Shared Folders/Custom, then it is available to all users who can access Shared Folders/Custom.

    3. Click Submit, then OK in the Confirmation dialog.

    For example, select the My Folders/All Opportunities folder, enter Opportunities by Sales Stage as the name and click Submit:

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