Pre-General Availability: 2024-09-02

Add an Action to a Robot

Specify the steps that a robot takes by adding actions to the robot. Each action corresponds to an activity a human would do, such as clicking within a field, entering a value, and submitting the change.

What Does the Robot Need to Do?

Type of interaction Available actions

Open, close, or switch a browser, or sign in

  • Close browser: Close an internet browser.

  • Login: Sign in to an application.

  • Open browser: Open an internet browser and, optionally, sign in to an application.

  • Switch browser: Start working in a different internet browser tab or window.

Select an element in a user interface

  • Checkbox: Select or deselect a checkbox, or determine whether a checkbox is selected.

  • Click element: Select a button, link, some items in lists, and some checkboxes.

  • List: Select one or more items in a list or drop-down list.

Interact with text in a user interface, such as obtaining, entering, or clearing text

Add testing and validation actions

Manage variables

Data stitch: Manage the variables in a robot.

Get Help with the Settings for Each Robot Action

See Deeper Dive: Settings for Robot Actions.