Chat Ribbon

While chatting with customers, multiple chat agent tools are available on the chat ribbon.

Chat Ribbon

Button Description


Click to undock the chat workspace editor from the console and display it in a separate window.


Click to terminate the chat session.


Click to conclude the chat and enter wrap-up mode.

Wrap-up mode lets you do any post-chat tasks before automatically receiving the next chat request. Tasks can include creating an incident from the chat, adding the chat to an existing incident, or creating an opportunity from the chat.


Click to join a chat session while monitoring a chat.

This button is disabled until you begin monitoring a chat session.


Click to leave a chat session during a conference.

For this button to be enabled, you must be the agent who was conferenced into the chat.


Click to transfer the customer to another agent.


Click to conference another agent into your chat.

Change Lead Role

Click to select the lead chat agent.

You must be involved in a conference session for this button to be enabled.

Add to New Incident

Click to create an incident from the chat session while the chat is in progress or after you have entered wrap-up mode.

Chat correspondence that is added to an incident is read-only and cannot be edited.

Add to Incident

Click to add the chat correspondence to an existing incident.

Chat correspondence that is added to an incident is read-only and cannot be edited.

New Opportunity

Click to create an opportunity from the chat session while the chat is in progress or after you have entered wrap-up mode.