Report Designer Design Tab

Use the Design tab to configure and add columns and data types to your custom report.

The report designer’s Design tab is available when you click a column, text field, exception, or chart. This tab also displays when you select a filter, variable, or table when using the data set view.

Note: The Design tab is renamed to Text Field when a text field is selected.

Different buttons are shown on the tab depending on the item you select. For example, when working with a column, buttons are available to add calculations, configure data rollups, and add comparison values. When working with text fields, you can change fonts, margins, and borders.

The options you can select for columns, text fields, data exceptions, charts, tables, and filters or variables are described in the following tables.

Note: The groups and buttons available on this tab depend on the type of object you select. In addition, when editing a column, the options on the tab depend on the type of data the column returns.

Design Tab Column Options

Group/Button Description
Edit Click this button to open the Column Definition window, from which you can edit the column’s definition. See Change Trend Options.
Arrange The buttons in this group let you hide, remove, and order the position of the selected column.


Click this button to hide the selected column.

To show hidden columns, right-click the header for a visible column, select Insert Hidden Column, and select the column you want to show. The column will display in the column’s default location.

Move Left/Move Right Click these buttons to move the selected column one column to the left or right.
Delete Click this button to remove the selected item from the report.
Insert Before/Insert After Click these buttons to open the Column Definition window, from which you can create a new column inserted before or after the selected column.


Click this button and select Sort Ascending or Sort Descending to sort the data in the report by the values in the selected column. See How You Change Report Sort Order.

Columns with a text area data type cannot be sorted.

Calculations The buttons in this group let you add calculations to the selected column. You can hover over each button to view a description of the calculation. You can also choose to show multiple calculations on a single row or on separate rows. See Add Calculations to a Report Column.
Calculation buttons Click the button for the calculation that you want to add to the selected column.
Options Click this button and select Display Calculations on Single Row to show all the selected calculations on one row beneath the column. Select Display Calculations on Separate Rows to show each calculation on a separate row below the column.
Report Linking Click this button to add, edit, and remove links to other reports. You can add conditional or unconditional links to columns. See Overview of Linked Reports.
Rollup The buttons in this group let you group the information in the report by the selected column. You can also change the ordering if your report has multiple rolled-up columns. See Define Rollups.
Rollup Click this button to roll up the report’s data by the selected column. Click the button again to remove the rollup.
Move Up/Move Down If your report’s data is rolled up by more than one column, click these buttons to move the selected column up or down one rollup level.


Click this button to select rollup options. Available options include:

  • Display Group Counts
  • Display Rollup Headings
  • Display Column Headings
  • Repeat Column Headings
Insert Column Click this button in the Computed group to add a computed column to the report. The types of computed columns available depend on the values in the selected column. You can also add computed columns from the data dictionary. See Computed Fields for information about computed columns.
Trend Options The buttons in this group let you edit trend options for the selected trend column. See Change Trend Options.
Perform Forecast Select this check box to enable forecasting in the trend value column.
Forecast Units Enter the number of time units to forecast forward. For example, if the trended column groups data by week, trending forward three units displays data trended three weeks in the future.
% Change The buttons in this group let you edit comparison percentage and trend percentage column options for the selected comparison percentage or trend percentage column. See Add a Comparison Percentage Column to a Report and Add a Trend Percentage Column to a Report.
Comparison Direction Click this button and select how the percentage value shown in the comparison or trend percentage column should be derived. The value can be derived from the difference between the value in the original column being compared/trended versus the value in the comparison or trend column. The value can also be derived from the difference between the value in the comparison or trend column versus the value in the original column being compared/trended.
Show Icon Select this check box to display icons next to the percentage values returned in the column. The icons indicate if there’s a positive change, negative change, or no change.
Icon Colors Click this button to change the colors used for the icons that indicate a positive change, negative change, or no change.

Text Field Tab Options

Group/Button Description
Edit Click this button to open the Edit Text Field window, from which you can edit the selected text field. See Create a Text Field.
Arrange The buttons in this group let you position the selected text field on the design surface.
Anchor Click this button to define an anchor style for the text field. Anchor styles determine how a text field moves in relation to the borders of the report section. See Specify an Anchor Style for a Text Field.
Bring to Front/Send to Back Click these buttons to place the selected item on top of or beneath overlapping items.
Size to Fit Click this button to automatically shrink or expand the element containing the text field to fit the selected item.

Manually resizing the selected element disables this option.

Font The buttons in this group let you change the selected text field’s font style, size, and color. You can also select font attributes, such as bold and italic, and change the text’s alignment within the text field. In addition, you can add a background color for the text field.


Click this button to select the width of the margins around the item. Available options include:

  • None
  • Narrow
  • Medium
  • Wide
  • Custom
Selecting Custom lets you specify the number of pixels for the top, bottom, left, and right margins.
Border The buttons in this group let you add borders to the text field and change the borders’ display options. You can identify which borders you want and choose the borders’ color, size, and style.

Design Tab Data Exception Options

Group/Button Description
Edit Click this button to open the Exception Editor, from which you can edit the selected data exception. See Create a Data Exception.
Display Reference The drop-down list in this group lets you select the field you want to highlight to indicate which rows meet the selected data exception.
Arrange The buttons in this group let you add, remove, and position the selected data exception.
Add Click this button to add a new data exception. See Create a Data Exception.
Delete Click this button to remove the selected exception from the report.
Move Up/Move Down Click these buttons to move the selected exception up or down in the list of exceptions. See Order Data Exceptions.
Insert Before/ Insert After Click these buttons to add a new data exception before or after the selected exception. See Order Data Exceptions.
Tabular Display The options in this group let you configure the tabular display for the selected data exception. See Create a Data Exception.
Show Notifications Click this button to show the selected exception at the bottom of the report’s tabular data.
Show Criteria Select this check box to display the exception criteria. For example, if the data exception marks opportunities that are still active, the criteria would display opportunities.status_id = Active.
% Meeting Criteria Select this check box to show the percentage of data in the report that meets the specified exception criteria. This information displays at the bottom of the report in the Data Exceptions report section.
% Not Meeting Criteria Select this check box to show the percentage of data in the report that does not meet the specified exception criteria. This information displays at the bottom of the report in the Data Exceptions report section.
Graphical Display The options in this group let you configure the graphical display for the selected data exception. See Order Data Exceptions.
Show Notifications Click this button to show the selected exception in charts shown on the same report output level as the data exception.
Show Criteria Select this check box to display the exception criteria in the chart. For example, if the data exception marks opportunities that are still active, the criteria would display opportunities.status_id = Active.
% Meeting Criteria Select these check boxes to display data on the chart showing the percentage of data that meets or that does not meet the specified exception criteria.
% Not Meeting Criteria
Color Click this button to select a color to use for the indicator on the chart that shows the amount of data meeting the exception criteria.

Design Tab Chart Options

Group/Button Description
Define Data Source Click this button to open the Chart Wizard where you can select data options for your chart. See Add or Edit a Chart with the Chart Wizard.
Arrange The buttons in this group let you position the selected chart on the design surface and remove it from the report.
Delete Click this button to remove the selected chart from the report.
Bring to Front/Send to Back Click these buttons to place the selected chart on top of or beneath overlapping charts.
Type Click this button to change the type and subtype of the selected report. If the data options in the new chart type differ from those in the old chart type, the Chart Wizard opens, allowing you to select new data options. See Add or Edit a Chart with the Chart Wizard for descriptions of the available chart types.
Chart Style Click this button to select a chart style for the selected chart. See Chart Styles Explorer.
Labels Click in the text fields in this group to type text for the chart’s title, category, and value labels.
3D Settings Click the buttons in this group to specify angle and depth settings for a three-dimensional chart. See Chart Styles Explorer.

The buttons in this group are active only if a three-dimensional chart is selected.

Settings Click the buttons in this group to modify settings specific to charts that include bars, lines, or gauges. See Chart Styles Explorer.

The buttons in this group are active only if a chart with bar, line, or gauge properties is selected.

Colors Click the button in this group to select a color scheme for the chart. See Chart Styles Explorer.

Design Tab Table Options

Group/Button Description
Tables Click this button to open the Data Set window, where you can edit the tables used in the report. See Overview of Table Relationships in Reports.
Outer Join Click these buttons to join the selected table with the parent table using an outer or an inner join. See Overview of Table Joins.
Inner Join
Join Condition Menu Select the fields used to link the selected table with the parent table from this drop-down list.

Design Tab Filters and Variables Options

Group/Button Description
Edit The buttons in this group let you modify filter properties and the logical expression combining filters.
Edit Click this button to open the Edit Filter window, from which you can edit the filter’s properties. See Overview of Report Filters.
Logical Expression Click this button to open the Edit Logical Expression window, where you can modify the logical expression combining the report filters, level filters, or group filters. The type of filter you select determines which logical expression you can edit. See Edit a Logical Expression.
Arrange The buttons in this group let you add, remove, and order filters and variables.
Add Click this button to open the Add Filter or Add Variable window to add a new filter or variable. See Overview of Report Filters and Add Report Variables. The type of filter you select determines whether you add a report, level, or group filter.
Delete Click this button to remove the selected item from the report.

Move Up/Move Down

Click these buttons to move the selected runtime selectable filter or variable up or down in the list of filters or variables on the data set view.

Moving filters and variables can help you organize them for easier management when using the data set view. However, their positions do not change their placement on the Search window or the filters’ logical expression.

Insert Before/ Insert After Click these buttons to open the Add Filter window to add a new filter or variable before or after the selected filter or variable.
Filter/Variable Options The check boxes in this group let you modify options for the selected filter or variable.
Display in Docked Filters Select this check box to display the selected variable or runtime selectable filter on the docked filters section of the report. See Add Variables or Runtime Filters to Docked Filters.
Display in Search Criteria Select this check box to include descriptions of the selected variable or filter in the search criteria description. See Overview of Search Criteria Descriptions.
Runtime Selectable Select this check box to make the selected filter available on the Search window when the report is run. See Create a Fixed or Runtime Selectable Filter.
Required Select this check box to make the selected runtime selectable filter required. Staff members must specify values for required filters when they run the report.