Chat with a Customer

If you are the agent selected for a chat request, you will receive a toast notification.

Through chat notification settings, you can also enable sound notification.

By default, the toast notification contains customer information, including the customer’s first and last names, email address, and any incident custom fields that have been configured by your administrator.

  1. Click Accept on the toast invitation to accept the chat request and activate the chat session.
    An automatic greeting is sent to the customer and displays in the Transcript section.
    Note: By default, you have fifteen seconds to manually accept or decline an incoming chat request. After fifteen seconds, the toast notification closes and the chat request is returned to the chat queue from which it originated.

    This figure shows a chat-session window, and is described in the surrounding text. It contains the following fields: First Name, Last Name, Email, Question, Contact, Incident, Date Requested, Interface, Queue, Compose (options: SmartAssistant, Search Knowledgebase, Standard Text). The window also contains the following tabs in the transcript section: Engagement, Incidents, and Page Peek.
    The customer tab is gray until the customer asks a question. After the customer asks a question, the customer tab turns green to notify you that it is your turn to respond. By default, the customer tab will change from green to yellow when a customer has been waiting for a response for thirty seconds. When the tab changes to red, it signifies that a customer has been waiting for sixty seconds. After you respond to the customer, the tab color changes back to gray. The timing of the changes in tab color can be configured by your administrator.
    Note: If Sneak Preview is enabled, you see the customer’s entry in italics as it is being typed, letting you begin composing a response. After the customer sends the message, the customer’s message changes from italicized to regular font. It is a best practice to wait to respond until the customer has sent the message. If you have multiple active chats, you will only see Sneak Preview for the chat in focus.
  2. Additional customer tabs display if you are engaged in multiple chat sessions. To manage the individual chat sessions, simply click the appropriate tab when the color changes from gray to green.
    You can also move between active chat sessions using the Active Chats drop-down list on the Live Media bar. The colors of the selections in the drop-down list correspond to the colors of the customer tabs.
  3. Enter your reply in the message text box in the Compose section.
    1. By default, Render As is selected when responding to customers. To send XML, HTML, or any other type of markup language to the customer without the tags being rendered, select Leave As Plain and all of the markup tags will display in the response to the customer.
    2. To copy and paste text, press Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V.
    3. To start a new paragraph, press Shift+Enter.
    4. As you type, an inline spell checker recognizes misspelled words and marks them with a red zigzag underline. Right-click the misspelled word to see a list of substitute words from which you can select.
      You can also choose to add words to your spell check dictionary. See Spell Checking.
  4. Click Send or press Enter to send your response.
    Your response is added to the Transcript section and the customer’s tab color changes back to gray, signifying it is the customer’s turn to respond.