Design an Advanced Survey Flow Diagram

The first step in creating a survey in advanced mode is to design a flow diagram. The flow diagram is a graphical representation of the survey “flow,” the actions and decisions your survey will perform, and the order in which it will perform them.

Your flow diagram can be as simple as a single path connecting a few actions, or it can be complex, routing your audience through dozens of actions, paths, and decision points. With its simplified graphical interface, Feedback makes creating even a complex workflow as easy as clicking and dragging components into a logical order.

Whether your business needs are simple or complex, you should start by reviewing the elements available in the toolbox and consider how each might help accomplish the key objectives of your survey. When you have a clear idea which elements will be useful, you can create the flow diagram by dragging them from the toolbox to the canvas, inserting each element in a logical position, and connecting them to define the sequence of actions. After an element has been inserted, you can double-click it to open a window where you can edit its attributes.

Tip: When explaining attributes that can be edited on a window or the ribbon, we describe the procedure using the window. However, keep in mind that the ribbon provides easy access to most of the same attributes available on windows, without the need to double-click. Survey elements can also be dragged to your flow diagram from the Elements groups on the Designer Home tab.

When a survey is launched and a contact performs the first action, the decisions and actions in the survey are evaluated and executed in the sequence you have specified. For example, when a contact submits a web form, your campaign evaluates the information provided and executes the next action, such as creating a sales lead and sending a follow-up message to the contact.

Note: When a survey is responded to anonymously, survey actions that require contact identification are disregarded. Feedback cannot create an incident or opportunity for an anonymous responder, add them to a list, or send them a transactional mailing or survey.

If you switch to advanced mode before adding anything to the questionnaire, the canvas initially displays the components of a basic survey: a blank web form with a submit button that redirects to the Feedback standard Thank You page. These elements serve as the starting point for your design. You can add, edit, or remove elements to customize the questionnaire to fit your needs.

  1. Drag and drop a survey element from the toolbox onto the canvas.

    Survey Elements

    Element Description

    Event Triggering Elements

    Event-triggering elements serve as starting points for questionnaires.

    Survey Page

    Drag and drop this element to add a survey page to the questionnaire. After adding this element, double-click it to add content to the page. See Edit a Survey Page.

    Serve Web Page

    Drag and drop this element to serve a web page. After adding this element, double-click it to define its attributes. See Edit Serve Web Page Attributes.

    Conditional Elements

    Conditional elements produce multiple path outcomes based on decisions.


    Drag and drop this element to add a decision point. A decision lets you specify conditions the contact must meet to advance in the workflow. You can create two outgoing paths from a decision: Yes (contact meets the criteria) and No (contact does not meet the criteria). See Connectors in Surveys.

    After adding the decision, double-click it to define its attributes. See Edit Decision Attributes.

    Case Statement

    Drag and drop this element to add a case statement to the survey. A case statement is a type of conditional element that lets you add multiple choice decisions. This give you an easy way to add diverse branching capabilities to your surveys based on conditions defined in the workflow. Case statements are unique because they have an outgoing path for every condition. As soon as the first choice (condition) is matched, the path for that choice is followed, and no other conditions within the case statement are evaluated. See Connectors in Surveys. After adding the case statement, double-click it to define its attributes. See Edit Case Statement Attributes.

    Standard Elements

    Standard items perform actions when specified criteria are met.


    Drag and drop this element to send a notification to one or more staff members. After adding this element, double-click it to define its attributes. See Edit Notification Attributes.

    Redirect to URL

    Drag and drop this element to redirect the contact to a URL. After adding this element, double-click it to define its attributes. See Edit Redirect to URL Attributes.


    Drag and drop this element to create an incident from the contact record. After adding this element, double-click it to define its attributes. See Edit Incident Attributes.


    Drag and drop this element to create an opportunity from the contact record. After adding this element, double-click it to define its attributes. See Edit Opportunity Attributes.


    Drag and drop this element to create a lead from the contact record. After adding this element, double-click it to define its attributes. See Edit Lead Attributes.

    Add to List

    Drag and drop this element to add the contact to a list. After adding this element, double-click it to define its attributes. See Edit Add to List Attributes.

    Set Field

    Drag and drop this element to set a value for one of the fields in the contact record. After adding this element, double-click it to define its attributes. See Edit Set Field Attributes.

    Execute Object Event Handler

    Drag and drop this element to add a contact-related object event handler that will trigger an external event action. See Edit Execute Object Event Handler Attributes.

    Transactional Mailing

    Drag and drop this element to send a transactional mailing to the contact. After adding this element, double-click it to define its attributes. See Edit Transactional Mailing Attributes.

    Transactional Survey

    Drag and drop this element to send a transactional survey to the contact. After adding this element, double-click it to define its attributes. See Edit Transactional Survey Attributes.

    External Event

    Drag and drop this element to run an external event. External events are scripts that run outside of B2C Service. After adding this element, double-click it to define its attributes. See Edit External Event Attributes.


    Artifact elements let you make comments about your survey. They do not affect the outcome of your flow diagram.


    Drag and drop this artifact to add comments about your flow diagram or a specific survey component. A comment artifact does not require a connector, but if your comment is about a specific element, use the Artifact connector type. See Connectors in Surveys.

  2. To edit the attributes of an element on the canvas, double-click the element. See How You Edit Element Attributes.
  3. To connect one element to another, click an anchor on the first element and drag the connector to an anchor on the second element. See Connectors in Surveys.
  4. To cut, copy, or paste one or more components, click the appropriate option on the Clipboard group of the Designer Home tab.
  5. To export an image of the canvas to your workstation, click File > Export Image.
  6. To change the formatting of an element, select the element and see the following table. See Campaign and Survey Element Tools Tab.
    Tip: To select multiple elements at the same time, press Ctrl and select each element.