Oracle BlueKai Glossary



The Google advertising ID (ADID) is a type of mobile ad ID (MAID) that identifies user data that was collected from Android apps. The ADID is a resettable ID generated at the device level for use in mobile apps.


The audience discovery report (ADR) helps you identify categories that are highly-correlated to a defined audience.


You can install an app (also known as a data delivery platform) to configure data delivery to a partner. Partners can have one or more apps available in the platform.


An audience is a group of users that you define by selecting and combining categories. You deliver audience data to downstream partners for targeting.

ClosedAudience Analytics

The audience analytics suite provides audience insights across all events in your Oracle Data Cloud platform data. For details, see audience analytics.

ClosedAudience Injection

Audience injection is a method used by the Oracle Data Cloud platform to create audience segment objects in a partner's platform by calling their APIs. This allows a you to create your first- and third-party audience in the Oracle Data Cloud platform and then have it loaded and mapped in the partner’s platform.


ClosedBlanket Campaign

The blanket campaign option allows you to buy a wide range of data attributes on a user, not just the specific taxonomy node you selected. You can receive any data attribute for which the user qualifies and are charged for each piece of data BlueKai sends.



A campaign is an entity created by the platform when you deliver an audience. Campaigns are used to deliver and manage data to partners. Each campaign has a unique campaign ID that is visible in notifications and code. (In previous versions of the platform, users created campaigns explicitly in the UI.)


A category represents a collection of users that have a specific attribute. You add categories to segments when you create an audience.

ClosedCookie Sync

A cookie sync refers to an exchange of IDs between the Oracle Data Cloud platform and a partner that connects to the same user as if through an online browser cookie. It can be used to provide a match key to bring offline data online or for a buyer to accept data through server data transfer (SDT).


The BlueKai CoreTag is a JavaScript tag that you can deploy on your desktop and mobile sites to extract user attributes and import them into the Oracle Data Cloud platform.


Cross-device is the ability to associate multiple devices to a person so you can more effectively target audience data delivery. In the Oracle Data Cloud platform, cross-device extension is powered by the Oracle ID Graph.


The click-through rate (CTR) is a metric used to determine the success of an online advertising campaign. CTR = clicks/impressions

ClosedCustomer Relationship Management (CRM)

A customer relationship management (CRM) system handles sales, marketing, and customer service interactions.


ClosedData Ingest

Data ingest is the process of collecting and classifying user data in the Oracle Data Cloud platform. The data ingest process entails extracting user's attributes from your online, offline, and mobile sources and then mapping the collected attributes into categories in your taxonomy via classification rules.


A dimension refers to an attribute or a report column used for configuring a report, filtering data, or interpreting a metric.


A domain typically refers to a URL such as Top-level domains (TLDs) are at the highest level in the hierarchical Domain Name System of the internet (for example, .com, .net, and .org).



An Apple identifier for advertising (IDFA) is a type of mobile advertising ID (MAID). You use IDFAs to identify and target users whose data was collected from iOS apps. IDFAs are a resettable device identifier, which gives users the ability to limit the device and consumer information accessed by advertisers or apps.

ClosedID Swap

An ID swap refers to the transfer of a partner's unique user IDs (UUIDs) between your sites and the Oracle Data Cloud platform. When a user visits a web page on your network, a container tag that you deployed on your site is fired. This enables the Oracle Data Cloud platform to pass category-level data that is tied to the partner’s UUID.


In-market refers to a data type in which users showed specific intent to purchase a particular product or service.



A label is a keyword used to identify audiences, campaigns, containers, and models to help when searching or filtering.



Mobile advertising IDs (MAIDs) are derived from mobile apps and include ADIDs and IDFAs.


Mapping refers to the process of correlating IDs and related user attributes in a table so that user data can be transferred from one platform to another.

ClosedMatch Key

A match key is a common identifier (such as a hashed email address) that enables data from one source in one ID space (such as an offline CRM) to match to another ID space (such as online browser cookie).


Integrating the Oracle CX Advertising SDK (formally known as the Oracle Data Cloud platform) into your native and hybrid apps enables you to extract mobile user attributes from your screens (product page visits, purchase intent signals, add-to-cart actions, and conversions), and transfer them into the Oracle CX Advertising platform.

To import your mobile app data into the Oracle CX Advertising platform, add the Oracle CX Advertising SDK to the screens in your mobile app, pass phints (key-value pairs representing user attributes) to the platform, and create rules to map the phints into categories in your taxonomy.


ClosedOffline File

You can upload an offline file that contains user data from another system so that it can be ingested into the Oracle Data Cloud platform.



An Oracle hashed ID (oHash) is a normalized SHA-256 hashed email address or phone number that is automatically generated to protect personally identifiable information (PII).



An order represents a grouping of audience deliveries that exist under one budget.



A phint is a classification rule based on key-value pairs representing user attributes in your container tags or offline files.


Personally identifiable information (PII) refers to any data that could potentially identify a specific individual and is precise enough to distinguish one person from another, such as a full name, email address, logins, or phone numbers.


Prospecting indicates that your target audience includes a third-party data source to prospect for new potential customers.



Recency specifies the maximum number of days that can elapse since a user was last tagged with a category attribute to still qualify for an audience .


Retargeting refers to a first-party data source (the DMP partner's own cookie pool).



A schedule is tag trafficking function that sets where, when, and for whom a third-party tag is fired.


Server data transfer (SDT) is a server-side delivery method for transferring user data from the Oracle Data Cloud platform into your system. SDT uses an ID swap that enables the platform to communicate with your ID space by traversing an ID mapping table. Once an ID swap has been performed on a user, the platform can deliver data on that user to your server-side profile store—without firing a pixel.


A segment is a Boolean grouping of one or more categories OR'd together.


A stock keeping unit (SKU) is a unique identifier for each distinct product and service that can be purchased.

ClosedStatistical ID

A statistical identifier leverages non-fixed data about the device or user agent to help bridge mobile web to mobile app data.


ClosedUser Data

User data refers to the unique user IDs delivered by a data campaign and their associated categories.



See app.