Best Practices

Best practices for working with Oracle Smart View for Office

Use these best practices for working with Smart View.

This table provides links to the best practices mentioned in this guide.

Table C-1 References for Best Practices

Category Best Practice For See This Section
Managing Connection URL Mappings Working with saved workbooks containing ad hoc grids About Managing Connection URL Mappings
Smart View Options—Sheet Using the Reset option Sheet Options
Smart View Options—Advanced Using the Clear Log File on Next Launch option Advanced Options
Smart View Options—Cell Styles Guidelines for working with Cell Styles Cell Styles
Smart View Options—Extensions Enabling and disabling extensions Enabling and Disabling Extensions
Smart View Options—Extensions Initially checking for available extensions Initially Checking for Available Extensions
Smart View Options—Extensions Installing extensions Installing Extensions
Smart View Options—Extensions Updating extensions Updating Extensions
Dimensions and Members Working with numeric member names Best Practices for Numeric Member Names
Member Selector Searching members Selecting Members from the Member Selector
POV Manager Working with POV Manager POV Manager
Data and Cells Using the Submit Data options Best Practices for Using the Submit Data Options
Drill-Through Reports Copying and pasting POV details Viewing the Drill-Through Report Source POV
Attachments Attaching files Adding Attachments
Data Forms Working with forms in Excel Working with Forms in Excel
Flex Forms Working with flex forms Best Practices for Working with Flex Forms
Ad Hoc Analysis Starting ad hoc analysis Starting Ad Hoc Analysis
Excel Formulas in Oracle Essbase Preserving formulas outside grid Preserving Excel Formulas Within and Outside of Essbase Ad Hoc Grids
Calc on the Fly Performing calculations without having to submit changes (Calc on the Fly) Guidelines and Considerations
Multiple Grids on a Worksheet Working with multiple grids on a worksheet Guidelines and Best Practices
Cascading Reports and Ad Hoc Grids Entering member names Cascading Reports and Ad Hoc Grids
Books Running installer Downloading and Running the Smart View Installer
Books Using quick connection Creating Connections to EPM Cloud Business Processes
Books Using language settings Working with Downloaded Books in Smart View
Free-Form Mode Working in free-form mode Guidelines and Best Practices for Free-Form
Copying and Pasting Copying and pasting in Excel Excel Copy and Paste Guidelines and Best Practices
Office Documents in EPM Cloud Library Saving Office documents to EPM Cloud Library Saving Office Documents to EPM Cloud Library Using Smart View
Metadata Copying, pasting, and importing metadata Guidelines and Best Practices for Importing Metadata
Sheet Information Viewing sheet information Sheet Information Guidelines
Web Launch of Forms and Ad Hoc Grids Launching from web applications Opening Forms and Ad Hoc Grids from Web Applications (Web Launch)
Percentage Values in Forms and Ad Hoc Grids Entering percentage values Entering Percentage Values in Forms and Ad Hoc Grids
Compatibility between Smart View Products Working compatibly between Smart View products Best Practices on Working Compatibly between Smart View Products
Functions Using functions Using Functions
Function Builder Using Function Builder Creating Functions in the Function Builder
Function Builder Using cell references Using Cell References
Functions Creating functions manually Function Syntax Guidelines
Functions Using the Fix Links option Fixing Links in Functions