
Use placeholders in messages when you want the message to include an actual value for an entity when the message is generated. Placeholders let you create a single message pattern that replaces the placeholders with information specific to each instance, such as the resource time and time of arrival.

You can define the type of encoding to be applied to a placeholder value before printing. The encoding can be specified after a name of the placeholder. The | character is used as the delimiter in this case. The following encoding types are supported:

  • none

  • xml/html

  • slashes/cslashes

  • cescape

  • url

  • cgi

  • csv_item

  • json

  • sql_slashes

Here are examples for encoding placeholder values:

CSV: "{pr_address|csv_item}","{pr_comments|csv_item}","{pr_notes|csv_item}"
URL: address={pr_address|cgi}&comments={pr_comments|cgi}&notes={pr_notes|cgi}