Add Failure Diagnostics Information to Asset Incidents and Anomalies

Use failure modes for your asset components to add failure-related information to associated asset anomalies and incidents. Failure modes include detailed information on the probable failure causes, recommended actions, and failure effects. The asset manager and technicians can use the failure-related information to isolate and resolve the problem.

Define failure modes for your asset type using failure mode templates. When creating a user-defined anomaly or rule, you can choose to associate appropriate failure details with the anomaly or rule incident. Failure details enable easy root cause analysis (RCA) of asset component failures.

Field service personnel and technicians use the failure details and the associated RCA to establish the root cause of an asset incident, perform tests, and take corrective actions. If you have an integration with Oracle Maintenance Cloud Service, then the failure cause data and suggested corrective actions associated with the incident are passed to Oracle Maintenance Cloud Service.

Define a Failure Mode Using the Failure Mode Template

You can define failure modes for an asset type in the Design Center.

  1. Click Menu (Menu icon), and then click Design Center.
  2. Select Asset Types from the Design Center sub-menu.
  3. Select an asset type from the Asset Types list.
    You can also search for an asset type.
  4. Click Failure Modes.
  5. Click the Create Failure Mode (Create New icon) icon.
    The Failure Mode Editor appears for the selected asset type.
    The failure mode that you define will apply to all assets of the chosen asset type.
  6. Under the Details section, enter a name for the failure mode in the Name field.
  7. (Optional) Specify an optional description text for the failure mode.
  8. Specify a Severity level for the fault.
  9. Add one or more Failure Causes associated with the failure.
    For each failure cause that you add, you can add descriptions and recommended actions.

    The following example shows a failure cause configuration in the Failure Mode editor.

    Failure Mode Cause Configuration

    See Add Failure Causes and Associated Recommendations for a Failure Mode for more details on adding a failure cause.
  10. Add one or more Failure Effects associated with the failure.
    For each failure effect that you add, you can associate appropriate failure causes for the effect. You can choose from the failure causes that you created for the failure.
    See Add Failure Effects and Associate Causes for more details on adding a failure effect.
  11. Click Save to save the failure mode details.
    The following example shows the Failure Mode editor. The screen shows a sample flow failure for a water pump asset.

    Failure Mode Editor

Add Failure Causes and Associated Recommendations for a Failure Mode

Add one or more failure causes associated with the failure mode. You must add at least one failure cause for the failure. For each failure cause that you add, you can add descriptions and recommended actions.

  1. In the Failure Mode editor, click Add Add icon under Failure Causes.
  2. Specify a Name for the failure cause.
    For example, Valve Failure.
  3. Specify an Occurrence value.
    The occurrence value specifies the likelihood of the failure happening because of the cause.
  4. Optionally add additional information under the description fields.
  5. Optionally add recommended actions for the technician or asset manager.
    1. To add a recommended action, click Add Add icon under Recommended Actions.
    2. Specify a Name for the recommended action.
      For example, Inspect Valve.
    3. Specify additional, optional information under Description.
    4. Repeat the preceding steps to add more actions.
  6. Click Save to save the failure cause details.
    You are taken back to the main Failure Mode Template editor. You may also use the breadcrumbs to navigate back to the Failure Mode Template editor.
  7. Repeat the preceding steps to add additional failure causes.

Add Failure Effects and Associate Causes

Add one or more Failure Effects associated with the failure. For each failure effect that you add, you can associate appropriate failure causes for the effect. You can choose from the failure causes that you created for the failure.

  1. In the Failure Mode editor, click Add Add icon under Failure Effects.
    You must have already created at least one failure cause before you can create a failure effect.
  2. Specify a Description for the failure effect.
    For example, Reduced Water Pressure.
  3. Select one or more previously created causes to associate with the failure effect.
    For example, Valve Stuck and Filter Clogged.
  4. Repeat the preceding steps to add additional failure effects.

Use Failure Modes in Your Rules and Anomalies

When configuring rules and user-defined anomalies for your asset type, you can choose to associate failure mode information with the anomaly or rule incident.

The following sample Anomaly Detection Editor screen depicts associating a failure mode with the anomaly.

Failure Mode in Anomaly Editor


Failure modes can only be associated with user-defined anomalies. Automatic anomalies cannot have failure mode associations.

See Use Anomalies to Track Deviations in Asset Behavior for detailed information on defining anomaly detection.

The following sample Rule Editor screen depicts associating a failure mode with the rule incident.

Associating Failure Mode with a Rule Incident

See Use Rules to Monitor and Maintain Assets for more information on creating rules for your asset types.

Failure Mode Information in Operations Center

When anomalies and incidents are reported in Operations Center, any associated failure mode information is also included.

The following image shows a sample anomaly reported in Operations Center. The associated failure mode information is included for the technician and asset manager.

Failure Mode Information in Reported Anomaly

The following image shows a sample incident reported in Operations Center. The associated failure mode information is included for the technician and asset manager.

Failure Mode Information in Reported Incident

See Use the Incidents Page to Manage Asset Incidents for more information on viewing and managing incidents in Operations Center.