List View Toolbar

The list view toolbar includes 5 sections giving you quick access to different list view tabs and tools. You can also press a shortcut key to access certain tools.

List view toolbar


Tab/View navigation — Click one of the tabs or views to go to a different list view tab or to a different view accessible from the list view. See Navigating the List View.


Bulk actions — Use the bulk action utility to make changes to any number of selected items in one go. Shortcut key: B keyboard key. See Bulk Actions.


List view configurations — Save your list view configuration for later use, load one of your saved configurations and share them with colleagues. Shortcut key: L keyboard key. See Saving and Using Custom List View Configurations.


Data — Control what data is included in your list view and how it is displayed. The tools in the data panel grouping include:

Columns icon Columns — Select the columns you want to display and set the column order. Shortcut key: C keyboard key. See Selecting List View Columns.

Sort icon Sort — Sort your list data by column using up to three sorting levels in ascending or descending order. Shortcut key: O keyboard key. See Sorting the List View Data.

Filters icon Advanced Filters — Apply advanced filters to restrict the number of list view entries according to set criteria. Shortcut key: F keyboard key. See Filtering Options.


Download icon Download — Download your list view data as a CSV, HTML or PDF file and import/read your data in your spreadsheet, word processing or PDF tools. See Download Your List View Data.

More options icon More options — Control the number of rows per page, enable column totals or clear filters. See Other List Options.