List Views

You can use list views to access individual records or to work with multiple records at one time.

To access list views, click a module icon in the main navigation menu and select a relevant view from the in-module screen navigation flyout menu. See Navigating OpenAir.

Some list views are also accessible as part of a specific record. See Records.

List views available within a record, or in-record list views, offer the same features as list views available from the in-module screen navigation menu.

This section describes the common features for redesigned list views in the redesigned OpenAir user experience. Some of these features let you customize the list view to your requirements. Any changes you make before navigating away from a list view, logging out of OpenAir or closing the browser, will be remembered the next time you go to that list view. You may also save different configurations for your list views and switch between any saved configurations rapidly. See Saving and Using Custom List View Configurations


Not all list views use the redesigned list view layout and functionality.

For a list of list views using the redesigned layout and functionality, see Feature Changes in the Redesigned User Experience.

For information about list views using the previous UI layout and functionality, see List Views — Previous UI Version Layout.


Screen header — The screen header indicates the screen or the record you are currently viewing. If the list view is part of a record, the screen header also includes an in-record navigation menu. See Record Header.


List view toolbar — The toolbar lets you switch between different tabs and gives you access to options and tools. See List View Toolbar and Navigating the List View.


Column headers — You can access additional tools and controls in the column headers. See List View Column Headers.


List view data — From the list data, you can use optional features to access more information or edit data directly from the list view. See List View Data.


Column totals — The totals for the current page are displayed in bold at the bottom of the numeric columns and the totals for the whole data across all list view pages are displayed underneath the page totals. The total number of rows in the page and in across all list view pages are displayed at the bottom of the first non-numeric column. You can enable or disable column totals using a toggle on the more options panel. See Other List Options.


Page navigation — Use the page navigation bar to go to the item you need quickly. See Navigating the List View.

List view in OpenAir

Changes Introduced With Redesigned List Views

If you were using OpenAir with the previous user interface, the redesigned user experience brings the following functionality changes:

  • The new list view toolbar includes a Bulk actions panel, a List view configurations panel, a Data panel grouping the columns, sort and advanced filters tools, a Download function and Other list options.

  • For items with an approval process enabled, the Submitted > Waiting for my approval sub-tab in the previous UI has moved to a new To Approve tab for items awaiting your approval.

  • The Bulk actions button has moved from the column headers in the previous UI to the toolbar in the new UI and it now indicates the number of selected rows.

  • The Advanced filter has moved from the top of the canvas in the previous UI to a button in the toolbar in the new UI. The advanced filter panel displays under the toolbar when clicking the button.

  • Access the Download function directly from the toolbar in the new UI instead of the List options dropdown in the previous UI .

  • The List options cog wheel toolbar icon and dropdown options in the previous UI have been replaced by a new icon and a different set of list options in the new UI, including the number of rows per page setting and the column totals switch.

  • Column Filters dropdowns include a search box in the new UI.

  • The Clear column filters has moved from the Tips menu in the previous UI to the list options dropdown in the new UI.

  • Improved list view sorting feature — You can now control the sort order of your list data from both the column headers and the toolbar with up to three sorting levels.

  • Improved column locking feature — Change your locked column in one click.

  • Improved page navigation.

  • Shortcut keys — ‘B’ for B ulk actions, ‘L’ for Saved L ist view configurations, ‘C’ for C olumns , ‘O’ for S o rt and ‘F’ for Advanced F ilters.

  • If the Inline-Editing in List Views optional feature is enabled for your account, you can edit project tasks and bookings from within the project tasks list view and from the project center.

Some but not all list view settings are ported from the previous UI to the new UI or inversely. For example, any column filters set for your list views are maintained. However, column sizes set in one UI version are not maintained in the other UI.