List Data

List data is presented in a tabular form according to the Column configuration, Sorting, Filtering and other List options you have specified. Lists let you have an overview of a specific set of data and let you select and go to the particular item you want to work on.

From the list you can:


Go to one of the listed records — Click the name of the record to display the record page.


Monitor the progress of your projects at a glance.


Some lists include a Bulk actions column. The Bulk actions column is always the first column on the left, when present, and cannot be moved. Select records and run bulk actions on the selected records. See Bulk Actions


Some lists include an Actions column. The Actions column is always the first or second column on the left, when present, and cannot be moved. Depending on the list, the following actions may be available:

  • Add New — Click the add new icon Add new item icon to crate a new record.

  • Delete — Click the delete icon Delete icon to delete the record, document or report.

  • Download — Click the download icon Download icon to save the workspace document or the report on your computer.

  • Duplicate — Click the duplicate icon Duplicate icon to create a copy of the record.

  • Edit — Click the edit icon Edit icon to open the record form.

  • File — click the file icon File icon to place the report in a folder or remove it from its current folder.

  • Publish — click the publish icon Publish icon to publish the report to the OpenAir Business Intelligence (BI) Connector.

  • Replace — Click the replace icon Replace icon to replace a workspace document

  • Run — Click the run icon Run icon to run the report.

  • Schedule — click the schedule icon Schedule icon to run or publish the report automatically according to a specific schedule.

  • Share — Click the share icon Share icon to share the report with other employees.

  • View — Click the view icon View icon to show a non-editable view of the record.

  • View Document — Click the view document icon View Document icon to view a workspace document.

  • More actions — Click the more icon More options icon to display additional action options.


Cell tips — List cells include an information icon if contextual tips are available. Click the information icon Information icon in the top right corner of the cell to view contextual tips relevant to that field or record. See List Contextual Tips.


Expand / Collapse — The workspace documents and saved reports lists let you expand and collapse folders by clicking the expand icon Expand icon and collapse icon Collapse icon next to the folder name.

Functional available for each row in the list data

Lists with fewer rows load faster. To reduce the number of row, use advanced filters.

A tip appears at the top of the list column headers if the list contains more than 500 rows:

Tip at the top of long lists with over 500 rows of data.

Some list features, such as Sorting the List Data, are disabled if the list contains more than a threshold number of rows. The threshold depends on the configuration of your company's OpenAir account. A message appears at the top of the list column headers if the number of rows exceeds that threshold:

Tip at the top of long listscontaining more than the threshold number of rows set for the account.

Reduce the number of rows using advanced filters to load lists faster or restore full functionality. See Advanced Filters.

Some of the list features depend on your account configuration:


To check whether these features are enabled in your company's account, contact your account administrators.

Rendering Rows of Data as You Scroll

OpenAir renders rows of data as you scroll the list if the number of rows per page is set to 100 or higher. If this is the case, OpenAir prepares the rows that will be visible on your screen as well as extra rows of data up and down the list for display. Additional rows are rendered progressively as you scroll up and down. This reduces the demands on your browser and let your lists load faster.


You can only search the rendered rows using the browser “Find in page” feature (Ctrl +F). You cannot search through all 100 or 1000 rows in a page using Ctrl + F.

Display Options for Long Text Cells in Lists

Depending on your account configurations, lists display long text cells differently. Account administrators can select to wrap long text and text area field values on multiple lines in list cells or display it in truncated form on a single line.

  • Single line (Default) — By default, redesigned lists display text and text area field values on a single line by default. Line feeds are removed to show more information. Lists are more compact. If the entire text does not fit the cell, only part of the text is displayed with ellipses to indicate the text is truncated. To view the full text, point to the cell or click Read more inside the cell (for longer text content).

    List cell content shows on a single line and truncated cells show all text when clicking the cell or the Read more link.
  • Wrap text — If the Wrap Text in List Cells feature is enabled for your account, OpenAir wraps long text and text area field values on multiple lines in list cells. Lists are less compact. For longer text content, only part of the text is displayed with ellipses to indicate the text is truncated. To view the full text, click Read more inside the cell.

    List cell content is wrapped onmultiple lines and truncated cells show all text when clicking the Read more link.

Longer text area cell content is truncated whether the wrap text option is enabled or disabled. To view the full text, click Read more. The full text appears in a popup box. Click the close icon Close icon, press the Esc key or click outside the box to close the popup box and return to the list.


These display options do not apply to the description column in the following lists. The entire cell content is always shown and line feeds are supported.

  • Projects > [Select a Project] > Financials > Billing > Rules

  • Projects > [Select a Project] > Financials > Recognition > Rules