Setting Bookkeeping Preferences for a Brazilian Subsidiary (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)

If your company’s economic activity involves the purchase or provision of services, you can enter the information submitted to the Sistema Público de Escrituração Digital (SPED) through the Escrituração Fiscal Digital de Retenções e Outras Informações Fiscais (EFD-Reinf) report. EFD-Reinf is used by natural persons and legal entities for the bookkeeping of:

To set up bookkeeping preferences for a Brazilian subsidiary:

  1. Go to BRHub > Informações Complementares > Subsidiária.

  2. Click Edit next to the subsidiary complementary record you want to edit.

  3. Click the SPED subtab.

  4. If you generate the EFD-Reinf report, under EFD-Reinf, fill the following fields:

    1. In the Classificação Tributária do Contribuinte field, select the category code that corresponds to the company’s tax classification as in the classifications chart.

    2. If the subsidiary is obliged to do its bookkeeping in the Escrituração Contábil Digital (ECD), check the ECD Obrigatório box.

    3. In the Desoneração da Folha pela CRPB field, select the company’s Contribuição Previdenciária sobre a Receita Bruta (CPRB) exemption status.

      • If the company is entitled to the exemption, and you also set the Classificação Tributária do Contribuinte field to 99 - Pessoas Jurídicas em Geral, select 1 - Empresa enquadrada nos art. 7º a 9º da Lei 12.546/2011.

      • If the company is not exempt, select 0 - Não Aplicável.

    4. If the subsidiary has an international exemption agreement, in the Acordo Internacional para Isenção de Multa field, select the agreement’s status.

      This agreement means that the subsidiary is not subject to the payment of a moratorium fine in case of delayed payments.

    5. In the Contato Responsável field, select the employee responsible for issuing the EFD-Reinf report.

    6. In the Classificação Serviço field, select the type of service according to the classifications chart.

    7. In the Ambiente EFD-Reinf field, select the environment to which to send the EFD-Reinf report.

      If you want to send the report to the Receita Federal, select Produção.

  5. Click Save.

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