Setting Tax Assessment Preferences for a Brazilian Subsidiary (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)

You can set the subsidiary’s tax assessment preferences on the Apurações subtab.

To set a subsidiary’s tax assessment preferences:

  1. Go to BRHub > Informações Complementares > Subsidiária.

  2. Click Edit next to the subsidiary complementary record you want to edit.

  3. Click the Apurações subtab.

  4. If the company adopts the Lucro Presumido tax regime, fill the following fields:

    • In the Atividade Lucro Presumido Venda field, select the economic activity performed by the subsidiary related to goods.

    • In the Atividade Lucro Presumido Serviço field, select the economic activity performed by the subsidiary related to services.

    These fields are required to issue the EFD Contribuições report.

  5. In the Regime de Apuração PIS/COFINS field, select the tax assessment regime for PIS/COFINS in accordance with the subsidiary’s tax regime:

    • If the company adopts the Lucro Presumido tax regime, select Cumulativo.

    • If the company adopts the Lucro Real tax regime, select Não Cumulativo.

    These fields are required to issue the EFD Contribuições report.

  6. If you want to account the ISS tax due by the company in each expense transaction, check the Contabiliza o ISS Devido a Cada Transação box.

  7. In the Regime de Reconhecimento de Receitas field, select the revenue recognition framework the subsidiary uses for PIS/COFINS assessment:

    • For PIS/COFINS of cummulative regime, select Regime de Caixa or Regime de Competência.

    • For other assessments, select Regime de Competência.

  8. In the Regime de Apuração ICMS, select the tax assessment regime for ICMS.

  9. Click Save.

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