Defining Electronic Invoicing for Goods Preferences for a Brazilian Subsidiary (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)

If the subsidiary manufactures, trades, or transports goods, define the preferences for issuing electronic invoices for goods, known in Brazil as Nota Fiscal de Produtos Eletrônica (NF-e).

On the NF-e subtab, you can enter the information required to issue electronic invoices for goods and tax substitution enrollments.

To set up NF-e issuing for the subsidiary:

  1. Go to BRHub > Informações Complementares > Subsidiária.

  2. Click Edit next to the subsidiary complementary record you want to edit.

  3. Click the NF-e subtab.

  4. Under NF-e, in the Ambiente NF-e field, select the Secretaria da Fazenda (SEFAZ) enviroment for sending the NF-e.

    The SEFAZ is a Brazilian tax authority responsible for electronic invoice certification.

  5. In the Versão Layout NF-e field, select the layout version you want to use to issue NF-e.

  6. In the Série Padrão field, select the default series you want to use to issue NF-e.

    NetSuite automatically populates the selected series in transactions in which this subsidiary is the electronic invoice issuer.

  7. In the Modelo NF-e field, select the template for issuing electronic invoices for goods.

    In general, the template is 55.

  8. In the Tipo Emitente field, select the type of NF-e issuer.

  9. If you need to send other types of certification requests to the SEFAZ, such as correction letters or cancellations, under Modelos, select the appropriate templates.

    1. In the Modelo E-Doc Carta de Correção NF-e field, select the template you want to use to send NF-e correction letter requests to the SEFAZ.

      This field is required to send NF-e corrections letters.

    2. In the Modelo E-Doc Cancelamento NF-e field, select the template you want to use to send NF-e cancellation requests to the SEFAZ.

      This field is required to cancel NF-e.

    3. In the Modelo E-Doc Inutilização NF-e field, select the template you want to use to send NF-e number voiding requests to the SEFAZ.

      This field is required to void an NF-e number.

    4. In the Modelo E-Doc Carta de Correção Remessa field, select the same template defined in the Modelo E-Doc Carta de Correção NF-e field.

      NetSuite uses this template to send NF-e correction letter requests for Outras Operações Fiscais transactions to the SEFAZ.

    5. In the Modelo E-Doc Cancelamento Remessa field, select the same template defined in the Modelo E-Doc Cancelamento NF-e field.

      NetSuite uses this template to send NF-e cancellation requests for Outras Operações Fiscais to the SEFAZ.

    6. In the Modelo E-Doc Inutilização Remessa field, select the same template defined in the Modelo E-Doc Inutilização NF-e field.

      NetSuite uses this template to send NF-e number voiding requests for Outras Operações Fiscais to the SEFAZ.

    7. In the Modelo E-Doc DF-e field, select the template you want to use to query the electronic invoices issued to a specific subsidiary Cadastro Nacional de Pessoas Jurídicas (CNPJ) number in the national SEFAZ environment.

    8. In the Modelo E-Doc Manifestação, select the template to send an NF-e receiver acknowledgement request to the SEFAZ.

  10. If you need to issue electronic invoices for goods in contigency mode, under Contingência, enter the information about the contigency period.

    1. Check the Ativar Modo de Contingência NF-e box to enable electronic invoicing for goods in contingency mode.

      This mode enables the issuing of NF-e when the messaging server fails to connect with the state’s SEFAZ web services.

    2. In the Justificativa de Entrada em Contingência NF-e field, enter the justification for enabling contingency mode.

    3. In the Data de Entrada em Contingência NF-e field, select the start date of the electronic invoicing contingency period.

    4. In the Hora de Entrada em Contingência NF-e field, enter the start time of the electronic invoicing contingency period.

  11. Click Save.

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