Setting Up Tax Calculation for a Brazilian Subsidiary (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)

On the informação complementar da subsidiária (subsidiary complementary information) record’s Impostos subtab, you should enter information that affects tax calculation.

To set up tax calculation for a subsidiary:

  1. Go to BRHub > Informações Complementares > Subsidiária.

  2. Click Edit next to the subsidiary complementary record you want to edit.

  3. On the informação complementar da subsidiária record, click the Impostos subtab.

  4. In the Optante Simples Nacional field, select the subsidiary’s status regarding its adoption of the Simples Nacional tax regime.

    • If the subsidiary does adhere to the Simples Nacional tax regime, select the appropriate status.

    • If the subsidiary does not adhere to the Simples Nacional tax regime, select 0 – Não optante pelo Simples Federal nem Municipal.

      This option enables tax calculation on electronic invoices and the issuing of the EFD Contribuições report in this subsidiary.

  5. (Optional) In the Informações Legais field, enter relevant legal information that should be added to e-documents issued by the subsidiary.

    The content is displayed in the Informações Adicionais field of electronic invoices issued by the subsidiary.

  6. In the Indicador do Tipo de Atividade field, select the option that matches the company IPI and ICMS tax calculation needs:

    • To calculate both IPI and ICMS, select 0–Industrial ou equiparado a industrial.

    • To calculate only the ICMS, select any other option.

    This field is required to issue the EFD Contribuições report.

  7. If the subsidiary adopts the Simples Nacional tax regime, set the following fields:

    • In the CRT field, enter the company’s Código de Regime Tributário (CRT) code.

    • In the Alíquota Simples ICMS field, enter the ICMS rate for the Simples Nacional tax regime.

    • In the Texto Legal do Simples field, enter the legal text contained in the fiscal documents issued by the company.

  8. If the company sponsors cultural projects, check the Incentivador Cultural box.

    This option impacts Imposto de Renda de Pessoa Jurídica (IRPJ) and Contribuição Social Sobre Lucro Líquido (CSLL) tax calculations.

  9. In the Código CNAE field, enter the Código da Classificação Nacional de Atividades Econômicas (CNAE) code related to the economic activity performed by the subsidiary, such as products manufactured, goods sold, or services provided.

  10. In the Código de Tributação Municipal, enter the company’s municipal tax code, in accordance with city government guidelines.

    This code varies depending on the economic activity of the company.

  11. If the company is a services provider of labor, check the Presta de Serviço de Mão-de-Obra/Empreitada box.

  12. To withhold PIS, COFINS, and CSLL (PCC) taxes on installments paid or collected by the subsidiary, check the Retenção do PCC no Recebimento/Pagamento box.


    This options splits the withheld PCC value between the number of installments in the transaction. In this case, the minimum amount for retention, which according to the law is 10 BRL, is upheld in each installment. In other words, amounts lower than the minimum are not withheld in the installments. However, if there are more installments for the same entity and due date, and the added tax value is greater than the minimum, there is cumulative PCC retention.

    For more information, see PIS, COFINS, and CSLL Calculation (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp).

  13. In the Tipo de Arredondamento Padrão field, select the default type of rounding you want to apply in this subsidiary’s transactions.

  14. Click Save.

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