Creating a Vendor Return Authorization From an Existing Purchase Order

Follow this procedure to create a vendor return authorization from an existing purchase order.

To create a vendor return authorization from an existing purchase order:

  1. Go to Transactions > Purchases > Enter Purchase Orders.

  2. Click View next to the purchase order.

  3. Click the Authorize Return button.


    Only purchase orders with a status of Pending Bill or Fully Billed contain the Authorize Return button. Purchase orders with a status of Pending Receipt or Pending Billing/Partially Received do not contain the Authorize Return button.

    A vendor return authorization opens listing all items from the original order. A popup warning appears if there are existing return authorizations associated with this order.


    If you create a vendor return authorization from an existing purchase order, you cannot edit the Vendor field on the vendor return authorization. You cannot edit the field because it is linked to the vendor from the purchase order. If you need to set the Vendor field manually, enter a standalone vendor return authorization. For more information, see Creating a Vendor Return Authorization.

  4. On the Expenses and Items subtab, click the Items subtab and verify that all items on the return authorization are being returned.

    If some items are not being returned, remove them by clicking the line-item and then clicking Remove.

  5. Verify the quantity being returned.

  6. For information about completing the form, see Expenses and Items, Communication, and Relationships.

  7. Click Save.

After you click Save, the vendor return authorization is recorded in the Vendor Return Authorizations register, a non-posting account in your chart of accounts.

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