Closing a Line Item on a Vendor Return Authorization

On vendor returns, you are able to close line items manually when you do not intend to send open items on the order.

For example, you return ten widgets to a vendor and have not yet returned five more you expect in the warehouse. You find out the customer is keeping the items and you will not receive the remaining five. If you close the line manually instead of changing the quantity, you retain a record of how many you originally expected to send.


If you are going to close a line item on a vendor return manually, credit the vendor return before you close the line. When all lines on a vendor return are shipped or closed manually, the vendor return is removed from the credit queue and the shipping queue.

To close a line item on a vendor return manually:

  1. Go to Transactions > Purchases > Enter Vendor Return Authorizations.

  2. Click Edit next to the vendor return with the line you want to close.

  3. On the Items subtab of the vendor return, click the line you want to close.

  4. Check the box in the Closed column, and then click Done.

  5. Click Save.

You can also close line items on the following forms:

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