Secure HTTPS Outbound Communication and SSL Certificates

For secure (HTTPS) outbound communication with the NetSuite application, you should purchase SSL certificates from a Certificate Authority (CA) that is included in the Mozilla Included CA Certificate List.

Secure HTTPS outbound communication includes, for example, traffic that is using the SuiteScript N/https Module. For example, if the SSL certificate in use was not obtained from a trusted CA, a SuiteScript call such as https.get or will return an SSS_INVALID_HOST_CERT error.

The SSL Certificate Chain

The following information is presented to provide a deeper understanding of the SSL certificate chain. Oracle NetSuite requires that the endpoints that you are connecting to from NetSuite provide a full certificate chain. A full certificate chain lets us build the certificate path from the leaf certificate (the certificate created for the target endpoint) to the root certificate, which is stored in the NetSuite application.

These two certificates (the leaf and the root) are usually linked by one or more intermediate certificates. The intermediate certificate signs the leaf certificate and is signed by the root certificate, completing the path by following the signature chain from leaf to intermediate to root.

Intermediate certificates are not stored in the NetSuite application. Therefore, we require the endpoint to send the intermediate certificate along with the leaf certificate. Modern browsers and tools (like Postman, for example) are able to work without the inclusion of the intermediate certificate. Browsers (or tools like Postman) are able to download the intermediate certificate based on a special field in the leaf certificate. The special field specifies the location of the intermediate certificate. The ability to determine the location of the intermediate certificate has not been implemented in the NetSuite application. This means that you must provide all intermediate certificates along with the leaf certificate.

Verifying Your Certificate Chain

Your browser or a tool (such as Postman) may indicate that there is no problem with your certificate. However, you can verify whether your endpoint is serving the complete certificate chain by either of two methods. You can view the output of an OpenSSL command, or you can analyze the chain at SSL Labs.


If your outbound HTTPS communication is served by a third party, ensure that the third party is aware of the necessity to include all intermediate certificates with the leaf certificate.

To verify your certificate chain using OpenSSL:

  1. Open a command window.

  2. The following is an example of the command format. Replace the variable in this command with the appropriate value for your certificate chain:

                        openssl s_client -showcerts -connect <> 
  3. View the output of the command to verify all intermediate certificates are included in the chain.

To verify your certificate chain at SSL Labs:

  1. Go to

  2. Enter your domain in the Hostname field.

  3. Click Submit.

  4. Scroll down to the Additional Certificates section of the report.

    If intermediate certificates are missing from the chain, the output may look like this example:

    Example of missing intermediate certificates.

    If all intermediate certificates are present in the chain, the output may look like this example:

    Example of certifcate chain with all intermediate certificates.

For information about SSL certificates for Commerce websites, see Automatic and Manual Certificates and Select Type of SSL Certificate.

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