Form Templates

You can customize your transaction and entry forms using basic layouts or advanced PDF/HTML templates. For more information, see the following:

For information about custom entry and custom transaction forms, see Custom Forms.

Advanced PDF/HTML Templates

You can use advanced PDF/HTML templates to create custom transaction and entry forms. With custom templates, you can customize the look and feel of the transaction and entry forms that you print or email as part of your business.

You can define various custom transaction layouts for printing forms as PDF and for printing forms as HTML. Using custom advanced templates, you can hide and show fields, move and resize fields and change the font and colors on your forms.

Advanced PDF/HTML templates provide extensive customization capabilities, new feature enhancements, and they support current industry standards for HTML-based editing.


To use advanced templates, ensure that the Advanced PDF/HTML Templates feature is enabled. For information, see Enabling the Advanced PDF/HTML Templates Feature.

You can create custom templates for the following types of printed forms:

  • Bill of Materials

  • Check

  • Item Label

  • Mailing Label

  • Packing Slip

  • Payment Receipt

  • Payment Voucher

  • Picking Ticket

  • Price List

  • Remittance Slip

  • Return Form

  • Shipping Label

  • Statement

  • Transaction

You can set custom forms for supported transaction types to use standard advanced PDF/HTML templates provided by NetSuite. Or you can create custom templates in a template editor that is available in the NetSuite user interface. This editor supports both rich text editing and HTML markup source editing and uses industry-standard tools and syntax.

For more details, see Advanced PDF/HTML Templates.

Basic Layouts for Transaction Forms

You can create basic layouts for your custom transaction forms. Basic layouts include labels above information and a black background color.

To define whether to print using PDF or HTML, go to Home > Set Preferences > Transactions tab, check or clear the Print Using HTML box, and click Save.


In a future release, basic layouts will no longer be supported. We encourage you to use Advanced PDF/HTML Templates instead because new features are added exclusively to advanced printing.

To create a basic custom layout, go to Customization > Forms > Transaction Form PDF Layouts or Customization > Forms > Transaction Form HTML Layouts, and click Customize next to a layout. Make your changes and click Save. You can choose default layouts to apply to one or more types of forms by checking boxes in the Preferred column at Customization > Forms > Transaction Form PDF Layouts or Customization > Forms > Transaction Form HTML Layouts, and clicking Submit, and clicking Submit.

For more details, see Customizing Transaction Form PDF Layouts and Transaction Form HTML Layouts.

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