Canceling Electronic Invoices for Brazil


To access the Brazil Localization SuiteApp documentation in Brazilian Portuguese (Português do Brasil), see Brazil Localization.

In Brazil, if a transaction is canceled after the electronic invoice is certified, you must cancel the e-document. Canceling an electronic invoice revokes the e-document certified by the tax authority.

You can cancel an electronic invoice in the following cases:

In general, you can cancel an electronic invoice for goods (NF-e) in Brazil up to 24 hours after its certification by the tax authority. For electronic invoices for services (NFS-e), cancellation deadlines vary by tax authority.

Before you try to cancel an electronic invoice, verify the deadlines and requirements set by the tax authority that certified it.

In NetSuite, you can cancel electronic invoices generated and certified from the following types of transaction:

If an error occurs during the e-document cancellation, review the E-Document Audit Trail subtab and the execution logs for the E-Document Generation Service SU script (Script ID: customscript_ei_generation_service_su). For more information about script logs, see Viewing a List of Script Execution Logs.

To cancel an electronic invoice in Brazil:

  1. Go to the transaction from which you generated and certified the electronic invoice you want to cancel.

    • For bill credits, go to Transactions > Purchases > Enter Vendor Credits > List.

    • For cash sales, go to Transactions > Sales > Enter Cash Sales > List.

    • For goods returns, go to Transactions > Customers > Goods Return.

    • For import bills, go to Transactions > Purchase > Import Bill.

    • For inbound deliveries, go to Transactions > Purchases > Inbound Delivery.

    • For invoices, go to Transactions > Sales > Create Invoices > List.

    • For outbound deliveries, go to Transactions > Sales > Outbound Delivery.

  2. Click View next to the transaction you want.

  3. Click Cancel E-Document.

    NetSuite creates the e-document cancellation transaction.

  4. Add the e-document sending information.

    1. Click the E-Document subtab.

    2. In the E-Document Template field, select a template for this transaction.

    3. In the E-Document Sending Method field, select the sending method.

      If you set a default e-document template and sending method, NetSuite automatically populates these fields. You can change the selections if you want. For more information, see Defining E-Document Sending Preferences.

      You can only edit these two fields. Keep any information derived from the original transaction's certified e-document unchanged.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Click Generate E-Document.

  7. Click Certify E-Document.

  8. Refresh the page until the Certified E-Document Status field in the E-Document Certification subtab is set as Certified or Rejected.

  9. (Optional) If the status is Certified, you can do the following:

    1. In the Created From field, click the link with the invoice number.

      The invoice opens. The invoice status is Paid in Full.

    2. Click the E-Document subtab.

    3. Click the E-Document Certification subtab.

      In the Certified E-Document Status field, the status is set as Canceled.

    4. To download the XML representation of the e-document, in the Certified E-Document File field, click Download.

    5. To download the PDF representation of the e-document, in the Certified E-Document PDF File field, click Download.

    6. To send the canceled e-document to the customer, click Send E-Document.

  10. (Optional) If the status is Rejected, you can do the following:

    1. Click the E-Document Audit Trail subtab.

    2. Review the details.

    3. Click the E-Document Certification subtab.

    4. In the Return Message field, review the message.

    5. In the E-Document Certification Return field, click View.

      The e-document certification return record opens. In it, you can review more details about the e-document certification.


      Review the return message and other error details. Depending on the error, you may need to edit the transaction and generate and send the e-document again.

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