Viewing a Generated Country Tax Report

Tax Reporting Framework provides your account with the Country Tax Report page where you can see detailed information in a generated VAT/GST report.

To view a generated country tax report:

  1. In NetSuite, go to Report > Tax > Country Tax Reports.

  2. On the Report Execution Log subtab, locate the report that you want to view.

    The Report Execution Log displays a list of all generated reports in descending order of date and time when the reports were run. You may use the row dropdown filter to view older reports.

  3. In the View | Download column, click View to open the report or Download to download the ZIP file.

  4. On the Language list, you may select English or the country’s local language to view the report.

  5. On the report, click the amount that you want to view in detail. This action opens the Detailed Report in another window.

If you want to download the detailed report in a spreadsheet, select the required format (PDF, Excel, XML, or DAT/TXT/CSV) on the Detailed Report page.

For more information about the reported values in the country tax report, see the tax report’s help topic on Country Tax Reports in Tax Reporting Framework.

To learn about making adjustments on a VAT/GST report, see Making Adjustments on a Country Tax Report.

To export the generated country tax report, see Exporting a Country Tax Report.

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