Best Practices for SuiteApprovals Email Responses

Use these best practices to take full advantage of SuiteApprovals’ email notifications.


  • The approver must have view permission to the record for approval.

  • The employee record of the approver should be active.

  • The approver should have an existing email address in the system.

  • The active approval rule should include the employee as an approver.

  • The approver’s subsidiary and role subsidiary must be the same with the record’s subsidiary.

Email Content

  • Rejection replies must include a reject reason.

  • Avoid sending duplicate replies.

  • Emails should not contain tags with unique string characters because it will be considered as corrupted or missing. You will be notified to resend your reply using the original approval request email.

Email Responses

  • Send back your reply within the time your organization has set for approval request email expiration.

  • The response email’s unique approval ID should match that of the email approval request.

  • The reply should be sent before it is routed to the next approver.

    In most cases, the record has already been routed to the next approver when the reply is sent. This commonly happens to approvers belonging to the Group (Any) or Role (Any) types, for example.

  • The record’s approval status should be on Pending Approval when you send a reply.

  • A delegate approver should reply to the email approval request within the delegation period.

  • A delegate approver should send back a reply before the delegation is removed.

  • An approver should send back a reply before the Approval by Email preference is disabled.

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General Notices