Using Quick Add for Standard Records

Quick Add is available for the following standard record types:

The fields in the Quick Add portlet for each standard record type are based on the Quick Add fields defined for the user's preferred form for the record type, as defined on the Role setup page for the role used to log in. Quick Add fields on standard forms are system-defined.


For the Quick Add portlet to function correctly, the Inline Editing feature must be enabled. For more information, see Using Inline Editing.

The following table lists the default Quick Add fields for each supported record type. Fields listed in the middle column cannot be removed from the Quick Add portlet. Note that field names may be slightly different in your user interface.

Record Type

Fields Required in Quick Add Portlet

Other Default Quick Add Fields


Subject, Company, Incident Date

Message, Contact


Contact, Subsidiary (OneWorld only)

Company, Job Title, Email, Phone


Company Name, Subsidiary (OneWorld only)

Customer ID, Web Address, Email, Phone


Title, Date, Start Time, End Time

Location, Message


Subsidiary (OneWorld only)

Customer ID, Company Name, Web Address, Email, Phone


Company, Status, Expected Close, Projected Total

Estimated Budget, Sales Readiness, Buying Time Frame, Buying Reason, Title, Details


Partner ID, Partner Code, Subsidiary (OneWorld only)

Company Name, Phone, Email

Phone Call

Subject, Organizer, Date

Phone Number, Transaction


Company Name, Subsidiary (OneWorld only)

Phone, Email, Web Address


Title, Priority, Start Date, Due Date

Insert Before


Vendor ID, Company Name, Subsidiary (OneWorld only)

Email, Phone, Default Expense Account

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