Creating Goals

With the Performance Management feature, you can create and manage goals for yourself.

To create a goal:

  1. From the home screen of your Employee Center role, go to Talent > Goals.

  2. Click New Goal.

  3. In the Goal Name field, enter a name for the goal.

  4. In the Details field, describe the goal and how you plan to achieve it. You can use Text Enhance to generate new goal details, clean up the goal details, or make the goal details longer or shorter. To use Text Enhance, click the Text Enhance icon beside the Details field.

  5. If you have at least one ongoing area of focus, you can select it to associate with your goal from the Area of Focus list.

  6. From the Start Date field, select the date you plan to start working on the goal. You can change this date at any time.

  7. In the Target Completion Date field, select the date you plan to complete the goal. You can change this date at any time.

  8. (Optional) To set a target for your goal and to track if you are achieving that target, do the following:

    1. Choose Manual or Performance Metric to determine how to track your goal.

    2. If you track your goal manually, from the Format list, select to track your goal as a number, percent, or currency.

    3. If you track your goal with a performance metric, from the Performance Metric list, select a performance metric. For example, to track how many customers you gain, use the performance metric New Customers. If you use a performance metric, when you move the goal to in progress, NetSuite updates the Actual field.


      Click the info icon to read a description of the performance metric you select.

    4. In the Start field, enter a number that represents the value that you achieved before the start date.

    5. In the Target field, enter a number that represents the value that you want to achieve. For example, if you want to gain three new customers, enter 3 in the Target field.

  9. Click Save.

After you save a goal, your manager receives an email notification. Your manager needs to approve your goal before you can change the status from planned to in progress. After your manager approves your goal, you can no longer make changes to the Name and Details fields.

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