Setting Up Ship from Store, Pickup In-Store for SCIS

This topic includes instructions for administrators to set up Ship From Store, Pickup In-Store capabilities in SuiteCommerce InStore (SCIS).


Fulfillment requests must be configured properly to use ship from store and pickup in-store capabilities in SCIS.

To set up ship from store, pickup in-store for SCIS:

  1. Configure fulfillment requests in your account. Read the topic, Setting Up Fulfillment Requests. Ensure that you complete all the steps listed in that topic.

  2. Select a sales order form on the SCIS Settings record.

    1. Use global search in NetSuite to find the SCIS Settings record.

    2. Click Edit next to SCIS Settings.

    3. On the Transaction Forms tab, click Other Configuration.

    4. In the Sales Order field, select the Standard Sales Order – BOPIS.


      You can use a custom sales order form. However, for potential troubleshooting purposes, it is recommended that you use the Standard Sales Order – BOPIS form where the Location field, and the Fulfillment Choice fields are displayed by default. If you use a custom form, ensure that these fields are marked to show on the sales order form that you customize.

  3. Ensure that the Fulfillment Request permission is present on the SCIS Clerk role at Setup > Users/Roles > Manage Roles.

  4. Ensure that the SCIS Fulfillment Requests saved search includes all of the required fields. The Results subtab should have the following:

    SCIS Fulfillment Requests Results Subtab Required Fields

    You can modify the saved search by changing the filters available, but you cannot change the columns that are displayed.

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