Apply Refund to a new Gift Card

Follow these steps to apply a returned item refund to a gift card in NetSuite Point of Sale (NSPOS). Funds must go to a new gift card; you cannot add funds to an existing card, even if it was used to purchase the items originally.

To apply a refund to a new gift card:

  1. From the Main (bottom) button bar, tap Voids/Returns.

  2. Choose the type of return:

    With a Receipt

    1. Tap Return Receipt Search.

    2. Scan the receipt bar code or enter the transaction number from the receipt.

    3. If prompted, find and select the Customer.

    4. Select the items to return. For all items, tap Return All.

    5. If prompted, select a Reason Code.

    Without a Receipt

    1. Tap Return w/o Receipt.

    2. Scan the item bar codes or enter manually.

    3. If prompted, select a Reason Code.

  3. When all return items appear in the journal, tap Sell Gift Card or Issue Gift Card from the right button bar.

  4. Enter the amount to add to the new Gift Card. This should match the item return total, including taxes.

  5. Swipe the Gift Card or enter the Gift Card number and authorization code printed on the card.

  6. Tap AMT DUE. This should now be $0.00.

  7. Select a payment method of Cash. This completes the transaction and prints the receipt.

  8. Give customer the printed receipt. This provides the returned item list and details about the Gift Card.

Customer must wait 15 minutes before checking balance or using the Gift Card.

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