Outbound E-Document Statuses

E-document statuses are indicated in the E-Document Status field on the E-Document subtab. Outbound e-document statuses describe whether a transaction or e-document is in the process of e-document generation, sending or certification. The following table lists the e-document generation statuses.

E-Document Generation Status


For Generation

The e-document can be generated. An outbound e-document template was associated with the transaction and the e-document can be generated. Audit trail log indicates Tagged for Generation.


The e-document is being generated.

Generation Failed

The e-document was not generated. An error caused generation to fail. See details of e-document generation errors on the E-Document Audit Trail subtab. You must first fix the errors before you can regenerate an e-document. For more information, see Outbound E-Document Generation Errors.

Untagged for E-Invoice Generation

The e-document template was removed from the transaction record. The e-document of the transaction record will not be generated.

The following table lists the e-document sending statuses.

E-Document Sending Status


Ready for Sending

The e-document was generated successfully and the e-document can be sent to specified recipients. Whether the e-document was generated manually or through bulk generation is indicated.


The e-document is being sent to specified recipients.

Sending Failed

The e-document was not sent. Information about sending errors are shown in the Details column. You must fix the error and regenerate the e-document before you can resend it.


The e-document was successfully sent. If the default sending method is email, the Details column shows the email addresses of the sender and recipients.


When an e-document is sent, the designated e-document sender’s name and email address is displayed as the sender. If you did not designate a sender, the system uses the name and email address of the person who initiated the sending process as the sender of the e-document. For more information, see Selecting a Designated E-Document Sender.

The following table lists the e-document certification statuses.


E-document certification statuses are not automatically updated by the system, you must implement the updates through the certification sending method. See Updating E-Document Certification Statuses

E-Document Certification Status


Ready for Certification

The e-document has a certification sending method assigned to its transaction and subsidiary, and it can be sent to the certification authority.

Certification in Progress

The e-document has been sent to the certification authority and is being certified. The certified e-document has not been received.

Certification Failed

Certification failed due to an error, of which details are on the E-Document Audit Trail subtab. You must fix the error and regenerate the e-document before you can send it again for certification.

Certification Data Error

Details of certification errors are on the E-Document Audit Trail subtab.

Ready for Sending

The e-document was successfully certified and is ready for sending.


The e-document is approved to be canceled by the certification authority or it is no longer required for certification.

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General Notices