Setting a Limit for a Payroll Item

For earning:addition, deduction, or employer contribution payroll items, you can set a limit. If the limit is reached, the payroll item is no longer included in payroll calculations. A limit can be applied to employee wages or employee withholdings.


If you set the Decrease Elective Deferral Limits and Automatically Calculate Catch-Up preference on the Set Up Payroll page, all deductions ignore payroll item limits. Limits set for employer contributions still take effect. For more information, see Decreasing Elective Deferral Limits for an Employee.

To set a limit for a payroll item:

  1. While creating or editing a payroll item, in the Limit field, enter a dollar amount equal to the annual limit.

  2. Select the limit type:

    • To apply the limit to wages, select Wage. When the year-to-date wages for an employee is above the limit specified, the payroll item is no longer applied.

    • To apply the limit to the amount withheld, select Withholding. When the year-to-date withholdings are above the limit specified, the payroll item is no longer applied.

  3. To apply the limit to all employees, check the Apply Limit to All Employees box.

  4. Click Save.

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