Creating Payroll Item Groups

You can create a payroll item group that contains two or more earning or deduction payroll items. Before you create a payroll item group, ensure the payroll items you want to include in the group are created in your account. For more information, see Creating Payroll Items.

To create a payroll item group:

  1. Go to Lists > Employees > Payroll Item Groups > New.

  2. If you have a OneWorld account, from the Subsidiary list, select a subsidiary.

  3. In the Group Name field, enter a unique and meaningful name for the payroll item group.

  4. In the Payroll Items list, select at least two payroll items to include in the payroll item group.


    You can only include earning or deduction payroll items in a payroll item group.

  5. Click Save.

After you create a payroll item group, you can derive the pay rate of a deduction or contribution from a payroll item group. If you derive a payroll item from a payroll item group, you can specify a default rate to apply to employees. For more information, see Payroll Item Derivation and Applying a Default Rate to a Payroll Item.

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