Tax Audit Files in Tax Reporting Framework

With Tax Reporting Framework, you can generate tax audit files that comply with government statutory requirements. The generated tax audit files are extracts of the general ledger and can be downloaded in a format prescribed by the tax authorities. The exported data provides a way for you to back up or archive critical transaction data that has impact on the general ledger.

To start generating tax audit files, read the following topics:

If you are using a OneWorld account, Tax Audit Files automatically generates the tax audit files in your preferred accounting context. To set up an accounting context, see Accounting Contexts.

Tax Reporting Framework supports the following tax audit files:


Tax Reporting Framework must be supplemented with a regional or country-specific localization SuiteApp to generate tax audit files. Check the table on Tax Reporting Framework Localization Requirements for a list of required SuiteApps that you need to install.

For information about the reporting features of Country Tax Reports, see Tax Reporting Framework.

To install Tax Reporting Framework, see Installing Tax Reporting Framework.

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General Notices