Item Collections

Item collections are a way of grouping catalog items. The items you add to item collections might have no connection with each other or they could be based on one or more criteria, for example, vendor or location. Your business needs drive what items you add to each item collection.

You can:

To see existing item collections, go to Lists > Accounting > Item Collection or Commerce > Marketing > Personalization > Item Collections.

Item collections can contain all item types supported by NetSuite. For matrix items, only the parent item can be added to the item collection but the parent item represents all child items. For more information about item types, see Item Types.

An important use for item collections is in personalized catalog views. You can create an item collection and make it visible to one or more specific groups of customers. For more information, see Personalized Catalog Views.

Data about item collections is also accessible through SuiteAnalytics Connect. The records exposed in SuiteAnalytics Connect are available in the Connect Browser. You can retrieve data for item collections by using the Item Collection Map and Item Collections tables as listed in Connect Schema. For more information, see Working with the Connect Browser and SuiteAnalytics Connect.


To access the Connect schema, the SuiteAnalytics Connect feature must have been purchased and enabled in your NetSuite account.

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