Commodity Code


This topic is for NetSuite accounts that use the Country Tax Report page to generate the Intrastat Supplementary Declaration for Dispatches and Arrivals reports. If you are using the EU Intrastat Report page, see Commodity Code.

The Commodity Code is the eight-digit number identifier for the type of goods which are the subject of a Dispatch or Arrival declaration. It is the most important data field on the Supplementary Declaration (SD) because it is the basis for most of the statistical information used by government departments, the European Commission, United Nations agencies, and businesses. Commodity codes can be obtained in the European Commission's Combined Nomenclature or in codes published by the country to which you must file an Intrastat report.

The Commodity Code field is located at the Tax Reporting subtab of an Item record. You must enter the commodity code in this field for it to be included on the Intrastat Supplementary Declaration for Dispatches and Arrivals reports.

The Intrastat report for Belgium may contain special commodity codes. For more information, see Special Commodity Codes in Belgium.

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