Philippines Inclusive Serial Number

The Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) requires the use of a range of serial numbers issued by Philippines businesses for computer-generated receipts and invoices. The range of serial numbers, with a minimum of six (6) running digits, must be prominently printed on system-generated receipts or invoices.

For NetSuite OneWorld accounts, you can specify the series range depending on the subsidiary or location that engages with your customers. You can set up BIR-registered serial numbers in the subsidiary or location record authorized to issue invoices, receipts or credit memo from your company.

If you set up a serial number on a location record, make sure that the location is specified in transactions that should indicate those numbers. If no location is selected, the system will reference the serial number on the subsidiary of that transaction, if a range is specified on that subsidiary's record.


Updating of Philippines serial number-related fields using CSV import is no longer supported as of Southeast Asia Localization SuiteApp version 4.00.0.

To indicate Philippines Inclusive Serial Number on Philippines Documents:

  1. In OneWorld accounts, go to Setup > Company > Classifications > Subsidiaries or Locations. Then, click the Edit link of the Philippines subsidiary or location you want to update with inclusive serial number.

    If you do not have a OneWorld account, go to Setup > Company > Company Information, or Setup > Company > Classifications > Locations.

  2. On the Subsidiary, Location or Company Information page, click the Philippines Invoicing subtab.

  3. On the Philippines Invoicing subtab, click the Document Serial Number subtab.

  4. Click Edit Serial Number.

  5. Refer to the following table for entering field values.


    Before completing the setup, verify that serial numbers match the Philippines Document Numbering configured in your account. Refer to the help topic, Philippines Document Numbering Setup.



    Related Help Topic

    Use Document

    Check the Use Document box of the related document type your company is authorized to issue.

    When this box is checked, fields become available for editing. Serial number details can be entered for the selected document type, which will appear in the footer details of transactions.


    The Use Document box is checked by default. Clear the Use Document box if you do not need serial numbers printed for the associated document type.

    Philippines Inclusive Serial Number, Philippines Document Numbering Setup

    Document Type

    This field shows all available document types for Philippines Invoicing. Refer to this column to choose the document type your company is authorized to issue and enter serial number details in the related fields.

    Philippines Inclusive Serial Number, Philippines Transaction Form Mapping and Invoicing Templates


    Enter a prefix for the serial number sequence. You can enter a maximum of eight alphanumeric characters.

    Philippines Inclusive Serial Number


    Enter a suffix for the serial number sequence. You can enter a maximum of eight alphanumeric characters.

    Philippines Inclusive Serial Number

    Series Range From

    Enter the initial range of serial numbers registered by your company with BIR. The following format combinations are supported:

    • Must be a minimum of six (6) digits.

    • Must be equal to or greater than 000001.

    • Must be less than Series Range To.

    Philippines Inclusive Serial Number, Philippines Document Numbering Setup


    This field enables you to select the separator of the entered serial numbers. The separator will appear between the Series Range From and Series Range To values.

    Philippines Inclusive Serial Number

    Series Range To

    Enter the range of serial numbers registered by your company with BIR. The following format combinations are supported:

    • Must be a minimum of six (6) digits.

    • Must be more than Series Range From.

    Philippines Inclusive Serial Number, Philippines Document Numbering Setup

    Display Preview

    This field displays a preview of the serial number combination in Printed Philippines documents.

    An error message is displayed if you enter an invalid value in the Series Range From and Series Range To field.

    Philippines Inclusive Serial Number, Printing Philippines Invoicing Transactions

  6. Click Save.

    If you want to remove all y our changes, click the Reset button.

The inclusive serial number entered will be indicated when you print transaction that use Philippines invoicing templates.

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General Notices