Processing Subscription Billing Bulk Changes Orders

SuiteBilling Enhancements SuiteApp includes support for processing bulk change orders for subscriptions and subscription lines.


Make sure the roles in your account are set up with the appropriate permissions to process bulk change orders and customize filters and columns on the Bulk Process Change Order page. For more information, see Permissions for Bulk Process Change Order.

On the Bulk Process Change Order page, you can do the following:

Each bulk operation run creates a Bulk Operations Audit Trail record, which contains information about the change order. You can view the list of bulk operations performed and access the audit trail records from the Bulk Operations Summary page. For more information, see Viewing the Bulk Operations Summary Page and Audit Trail Records.

To process bulk change orders for subscriptions or subscription lines:

  1. Go to Transactions > Subscriptions > Process Bulk Change Orders.

  2. On the Bulk Process Change Order page, under the Primary Information section:

    1. In the Records to Process field, select whether you want to search for and apply change orders to Subscription records or Subscription Lines.

    2. In the Status Change field, select the status change that you want to apply:

      • Draft to Pending Activation

      • Draft to Active

      • Pending Activation to Draft

      • Pending Activation to Active

      • Active to Suspend

      • Suspend to Reactivate

    3. For status changes related to activation, suspend, or reactivate change order, you must also specify values for the following fields:

      • Effective Date – Select the date when the change order takes effect.

      • Request Off-Cycle Invoice for Advanced Charges – Check this box to set the default for off-cycle invoices, which is inherited from other records. An off-cycle invoice bills for subscriptions with a partial period. For example, sending a bill before the recurring scheduled bills. This option applies only to activation change order.

      • Requester – Select the name of the employee requesting the change order. This field shows employees who have Create, Edit, or Full permission for subscription change order records. Administrators are excluded.

      • Modification Type – Specify how the change order impacts subscription recurring revenue analytics.

        • New or Churn - Analytics revenue impact of the change order is classified as New or Churn.

        • Upsell or Downsell - Analytics revenue impact of the change order is classified as Upsell or Downsell.

        • Ignored - The change order has no analytics revenue impact.

      • Memo (optional) – Use this field to enter notes.

  3. In the Filters section, select at least one filter to use for searching records. The following filters are available:

    • Customer – When you select a customer, the default billing account associated with the customer is automatically selected in the Billing Account field.

    • Billing Account – If you selected a customer, this field is automatically set to the default billing account of the customer. The list is also filtered to show only billing accounts associated with the customer.

      If a customer is not yet selected, when you select a billing account, the customer associated with the billing account is automatically selected in the Customer field.

    • Subscription Plan – To filter by subscription plan, select a subscription plan in this field. The list shows all subscription plans in the account.

    • Start Date – To filter by start date, select a date in this field. This date must be earlier than the end date (if specified).

    • End Date – To filter by end date, select a date in this field. This date must be later than the start date (if specified).


    You can customize the filters that you want to use to search for records. For more information, see Customizing the Search Filters and Sublist Columns for Bulk Process Change Order.

    If you have added custom filters before, the fields are available in the Additional Filters section of the Bulk Process Change Order page.

  4. Click Search.

  5. The search results returned are shown in the record sublist. From this list, select the records that you want to process. All records are selected by default. If the results are shown in multiple pages, click the page navigation buttons to go through the pages.

    Bulk Process Change Order Page Navigation Buttons

    The number of rows for the record sublist is based on the value set in the Number of Rows in List Segments user preference. For information about this preference, see Optimizing User Preferences.

    By default, the records in the list are sorted by the last column on the right, in ascending order. You can change the sorting by clicking any of the column headers, but only the records on the current page will be sorted.

    • To remove the current selection, click Unmark All. This action clears the Include box for any selected records across all pages.

    • To individually select records, check the box in the Include column for each record that you want to include. Clear the box for records that you want to exclude.

    • To select all records in the list, click Mark All. This action checks the Include box for all lines in the list, across all pages.

    If you modified a search filter after running an initial search, be sure to click the Search button again to update the results in the record sublist. Then, you can select records to include again from the updated results.

  6. When you have finished selecting records, click Process Bulk Change Order.

When you submit a bulk change order request, a corresponding SuiteBilling Operation record is generated and the map/reduce script that will process the request runs or is queued. After clicking the Process Bulk Change Order button, a confirmation banner with a link to the generated SuiteBilling Operation record appears at the top of the Bulk Process Change Order page. Click the link to view the status of the bulk change order request.


For information about how to optimize the performance of the map/reduce script for bulk operations, see Optimizing the Performance of the SuiteBilling Enhancement Script.

You can also view the audit trail record for the bulk operation run on the Bulk Operation Summary page. For more information, see Viewing the Bulk Operations Summary Page and Audit Trail Records.

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