Optimizing the Performance of the SuiteBilling Enhancement Script

The SuiteBilling Enhancements SuiteApp uses a map/reduce script to process usage creation and bulk operation requests.

A map/reduce script type permits parallel processing, wherein multiple SuiteCloud Processors can work simultaneously to execute a single script deployment instance. You can control the number of processors used for each script instance by using the Concurrency Limit field on the script deployment record. You can also set the Priority Level to identify critical jobs that require more immediate processing. For more information, see SuiteCloud Processors.

After installing the SuiteApp, you can change the default settings on the map/reduce script deployment record to optimize its performance. You can change the concurrency limit and priority level to maximize the use of available processors in your account and benefit from the parallel processing provided by the script.

To optimize the map/reduce script:

  1. Go to Customization > Scripting > Scripts.

  2. On the page filters, set the Type to Map/Reduce to show only map/reduce scripts.

  3. Look for the sbe_mr_processor (customscript_sbe_mr_processor) script and click the Deployment link for it.

  4. Click the Edit link for the deployment with ID: customdeploy_sbe_mr_processor.

  5. To optimize the performance of the script, you can change the values for the following fields:

    • Priority – By default, the priority for this script is set to Standard. If you want to mark this deployment as a critical job that requires more immediate processing, you can set the priority to High. For more information, see SuiteCloud Processors Priority Levels.

    • Concurrency Limit – Set the number of processors that can be used to process the jobs associated with this script deployment. By default, the concurrency limit for this script deployment is set to 1. For more information, see Concurrency Limit.

    For more information about the fields on the map/reduce script deployment record, see Map/Reduce Script Deployment Record.

  6. Click Save.

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