Stage a Register in NSPOS 2018.2.X – 2019.1.X

Use the steps in these topics to bring a NetSuite POS register online in your store. The process installs the latest NetSuite POS application package from the replication server and, depending on the Provisioning Type, will load current item, pricing, customer and other information.

In NetSuite terminology, staging is also called Partner Provisioning. Use staging to:

The process sequence is:

  1. Install MS SQL Server 2016 Service Pack 3 Express Edition

  2. Configure MS SQL Server 2016 Express for CLR Integration with NSPOS

  3. Get the NSPOS 2018.2.X or 2019.1.X Download and Begin

The RA-Workstation record for the register must already exist. See Add an RA-Workstation Record in NetSuite.


If the install should fail due to a lost internet connection or other reason, you can repeat these staging steps.


Staging POSClient registers requires a skilled knowledge of system and network configurations. You might need assistance from your store’s system or network administrator.

Staging Time-line Considerations

When opening one or more new stores, it is important to consider the time needed to prepare the registers with current information from your NetSuite ERP setup. You should ensure all registers are ready 24-48 hours prior to being used to process sales transactions. This time consideration also applies to registers that were previously active but have been turned off for a long time.

Staging is an effective method for preparing registers in a short amount of time. When a register is staged, all information is fully loaded and up to date. After staging, registers receive only the information needed to keep them current.

Staging is an option for restoring a register that was offline and not in use. When a register is turned off, NetSuite holds all new transactions, price changes and customer information for download to the register later. If a register is turned off for an extended period, the size of the update can be large and take extra time to download. This might delay a register from being ready when you need it. Staging is generally faster than waiting for large downloads to complete.

Preparing items and prices for new locations is a factor to consider. If new item setups require mass updates to NetSuite ERP, it is better to perform the updates before staging your registers.

To ensure your new registers are ready for business, you should do the following:

  1. Stage registers 24-48 hours before first use. If no major changes to NetSuite ERP data will occur before using the register, the time between staging and first use can be longer without a significant impact on performance.

  2. If a store rollout requires new item and customer information, if possible, be sure to add or import the information to NetSuite ERP before staging new registers. Then the new information will be included during the staging process.

  3. To reduce the impact to existing registers, large item and customer changes in NetSuite ERP should be performed in small increments. A good guideline is limiting changes to 60,000 records or less per day, performed outside of business hours.

    If you are not certain how to limit the number of records or if this guideline does not fit your rollout schedule, please contact NetSuite Customer Support for assistance.


The browser types supported for staging a register depend on the NSPOS release. For NSPOS 2020.1.x or later, you can use any browser. For example, you can use Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, or Google Chrome.


Before restaging a register workstation that was set to Inactive in NetSuite ERP, clear the Inactive box on the NetSuite RA-Workstation record, Save and then wait 15 minutes for the active status to sync between the server and the workstation.

System Requirements

Register/workstations must meet minimum NSPOS requirements. See NSPOS System Requirements.

Application Prerequisites for NSPOS 2018.2.X – 2019.1.X

  • MS Windows 10 (64 bit) operating system

  • MS .NET Framework 4.6.2 or higher

First Steps

Before staging an NSPOS workstation, you must install the database application. See Install MS SQL Server 2016 Service Pack 3 Express Edition.

Next steps – see Install MS SQL Server 2016 Service Pack 3 Express Edition.

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General Notices