Configure Receipt Print and Prompt Options (2024.1)

Applies to NetSuite Point of Sale (NSPOS) 2024.1.X and later.

NSPOS options for handling receipts include whether to automatically print a receipt and if the register will prompt the cashier to ask if the shopper wants a receipt.

You determine the content of the prompt and whether it will appear on all workstations, selected workstation groups only, or selected workstations only.

The configurations use combinations of three NSPOS settings:

With these settings, you can configure NSPOS to:


Theses options also apply to sending or prompting for a digital receipt.

Printing or prompting for a receipt is configured in the Functions window (Ctrl-F12) and the Settings window (Ctrl-F10).

Functions (Ctrl-F12) > Configure Receipts > Retail section

Flag options

Required Flag

Configures the function and setting to use for printing or prompting for a receipt.

  • Required for configuring registers to print or not print receipts and to determine if the cashier will be prompted to ask about a receipt

  • If "empty,"always print a receipt on all workstations. You can still configure a Prompt.


Sets up the text to use when prompting cashier to ask if shopper wants a receipt.

  • Enter the text to display when prompting for a receipt

  • If "empty," it globally disables the Show Prompt setting, meaning you cannot prompt for a receipt.

    You can still choose to print or not print using the Required Flag > Receipt: Ask for Receipt function


If you add a flag name to the function Ctrl-F12 > Required Flag, you must also enable the matching setting using Ctrl-F10. Otherwise, receipts will not print or display a prompt.

For example, if you enter Required Flag "Receipts: Ask for Receipt", you must check the "Ask for Receipt" setting under Ctrl-F10.

Settings (Ctrl-F10) > Configure Receipts

Settings can apply globally, by workstation, workstation group, or by location.

Setting options

Ask for Receipt:

Check this box if the Ctrl-F12 Required Flag contains the text Receipt: Ask for Receipt

For the workstations included in your configuration, if the setting is:

  • If enabled, NSPOS will automatically print receipts or display a prompt for receipt

  • If disabled, NSPOS will NOT print receipts

Show prompt:

Check this box if the Ctrl-F12 Prompt contains text to be used in the prompt.

For the workstations included in the settings being configured:

  • If enabled, NSPOS will show a prompt when a receipt is available to print.

  • If disabled, NSPOS will not show a prompt and prints a receipt automatically

Digital Receipts

If you use digital receipts, this enhancement works similar to configuring printing and prompts for paper receipts.

Default (No Prompt)

  • Without digital receipts – Receipts print automatically

  • With digital receipts – What happens automatically depends on your Default Receipt option. To use the default for an automatic action – including asking about a digit receipt – use the settings to Print Receipts Without Prompt on All Registers (default).

With Prompt

  • Without digital receipts – If a prompt is set up, then only a Yes/No dialog is shown

  • With digital receipts – The prompt that displays is based on your Default receipt option and the Retail: Receipt Type Options you select.

Receipt Type Options and Resulting Prompt

These examples show how the Retail: Receipt type options change the prompt shown to the cashier.

Printed and digital All options No recept and printed

If you clear all "Receipt Type Options," then NSPOS behaves as if Ctrl-F12 > Prompt is disabled. No prompt will appear for the cashier

Setting Up Print and Prompt Preferences for Receipts

Use these steps to configure common print and prompt setups.


No changes are needed to use the default of printing a receipt automatically without a prompt.

Print Receipts Without Prompt on All Registers (default)

Use these steps to configure all registers to automatically print a receipt at the end of a transaction. The cashier is not prompted to ask about a receipt. This configuration is the default for NSPOS.

To print receipts on ALL registers:

  1. Press Ctrl-F12 to open the Function List.

  2. Search for and select Configure Receipts.

  3. Scroll right to the Retail section.

  4. Clear any text from the Required Flag field.

  5. Clear any text from the Prompt field.

  6. Tap Done.

    Flag options

Prompt Before Printing on All Registers

Use these steps to set up a prompt that asks the cashier to inquire whether the customer wants a receipt. The procedure configures all registers included in the settings to prompt before automatically printing a receipt.

To prompt for receipt on ALL registers:

  1. Press Ctrl-F12 to open the Function List.

    1. Search for and select Configure Receipts.

    2. Scroll right to the Retail section.

    3. Leave the Required Flag empty.

    4. Enter text to use for the receipt Prompt.

      For example, "Would you like a receipt?"

    5. Tap Done

  2. Press Ctrl-F10 to open the Universal Settings.

    1. Choose the level at which registers should print, not print, or display a prompt. You'll need to configure settings at the level needed for each scenario.

      Changes to settings other than at the universal (global) level apply to the workstation used to make the changes. For example, if the register is in store ABC, changes to made to Store Settings on that register will apply to all registers in store ABC.

      • Group Settings – Workstation group assigned to the register

      • Workstation Settings – Current register

      • Store Settings – All registers within the current location

    2. Search for Receipts.

    3. Check the Show prompt box.

    4. Tap Done.

      Print and Prompt options

Do Not Print on All Registers

Follow these steps to configure all registers to NOT print a receipt.

To configure all registers to NOT print a receipt:

  1. Press Ctrl-F12 to open the Function List.

    1. Search for and select Configure Receipts.

    2. Scroll right to the Retail section.

    3. In the Required Flag field, enter the text Receipt: Ask For Receipt.

      Or enter text for a different flag as needed.

    4. Tap Done.

  2. Press Ctrl-F10 to open the Universal Settings.

    1. Choose the level at which registers should print, not print, or display a prompt. You'll need to configure settings at the level needed for each scenario.

      Changes to settings other than at the universal (global) level apply to the workstation used to make the changes. For example, if the register is in store ABC, changes to made to Store Settings on that register will apply to all registers in store ABC.

      • Group Settings – Workstation group assigned to the register

      • Workstation Settings – Current register

      • Store Settings – All registers within the current location

    2. Search for Receipts.

    3. If the Ask for Receipt box is checked, clear the box.

    4. Tap Done.

Print on Some Registers but Prompt on Other Registers

Use these steps to set some registers to automatically print a receipt and configure other registers to prompt the cashier before printing a receipt.

To print on some registers but prompt on others:

  1. Press Ctrl-F12 to open the Function List.

    1. Search for and select Configure Receipts.

    2. Scroll right to the Retail section.

    3. Clear any text from the Required Flag field.

    4. Enter text to use for the receipt Prompt.

      For example, "Would you like a receipt?"

    5. Tap Done.

  2. Press Ctrl-F10 to open the Universal Settings.

    Required flag empty, prompt with text
    1. Choose the level at which registers should print, not print, or display a prompt. You'll need to configure settings at the level needed for each scenario.

      Changes to settings other than at the universal (global) level apply to the workstation used to make the changes. For example, if the register is in store ABC, changes to made to Store Settings on that register will apply to all registers in store ABC.

      • Group Settings – Workstation group assigned to the register

      • Workstation Settings – Current register

      • Store Settings – All registers within the current location

    2. Search for Receipts.

    3. Check the Show prompt box to include a prompt or clear the box to automatically print a receipt.


      If you enable Show Prompt, the prompt will appear only on registers at the setting level you selected. Registers set to the default print receipts automatically.

    4. Tap Done.

Print on Some Registers but Do Not Print on Other Registers

Use these steps to set some registers to automatically print a receipt, but set other registers to not print a receipt.

To print on some registers and NOT print on others:

  1. Press Ctrl-F12 to open the Function List.

    1. Search for and select Configure Receipts.

    2. Scroll right to the Retail section.

    3. In the Required Flag field, enter the text Receipt: Ask For Receipt.

      Or enter text for a different flag as needed.

    4. Leave the Prompt field empty.

    5. Tap Done.

  2. Press Ctrl-F10 to open the Universal Settings.

    1. Choose the level at which registers should print, not print, or display a prompt. You'll need to configure settings at the level needed for each scenario.

      Changes to settings other than at the universal (global) level apply to the workstation used to make the changes. For example, if the register is in store ABC, changes to made to Store Settings on that register will apply to all registers in store ABC.

      • Group Settings – Workstation group assigned to the register

      • Workstation Settings – Current register

      • Store Settings – All registers within the current location

    2. Search for Receipts.

    3. Based on whether to automatically print or not at the setting level:

      • To automatically print – Check the Ask for Receipt box

      • To NOT print – Leave the Ask for Receipt box empty


      The function entered for the Ctrl-F12 > Required Flag must have the flag matching that function enabled in your Ctrl-F10 settings.

    4. Tap Done.

      To Automatically Print at this Setting Level

      To NOT Print at this Setting Level

      Ask for Receipt: Enabled

      Ask for Receipt: Disabled

      Do auto print options Do not auto print options

Prompt on Some Registers and Do Not Print on Other Registers

These steps configure some registers to prompt the cashier before printing a receipt set while setting other registers to NOT print a receipt.

To prompt on some registers and NOT print on others:

  1. Press Ctrl-F12 to open the Function List.

    1. Search for and select Configure Receipts.

    2. Scroll right to the Retail section.

    3. In the Required Flag field, enter the text Receipt: Ask For Receipt.

      Or enter text for a different flag as needed.

    4. Enter text to use for the receipt Prompt.

      For example, "Would you like a receipt?"

    5. Tap Done.

  2. Press Ctrl-F10 to open the Universal Settings.

    1. Choose the level at which registers should print, not print, or display a prompt. You'll need to configure settings at the level needed for each scenario.

      Changes to settings other than at the universal (global) level apply to the workstation used to make the changes. For example, if the register is in store ABC, changes to made to Store Settings on that register will apply to all registers in store ABC.

      • Group Settings – Workstation group assigned to the register

      • Workstation Settings – Current register

      • Store Settings – All registers within the current location

    2. Search for Receipts.

    3. Based on whether to prompt or not auto print at the setting level:

      • To prompt for a receipt – Check the Ask for Receipt and Show Prompt boxes

      • To NOT print a receipt – Leave the Ask for Receipt and Show Prompt boxes empty


      The function entered for the Ctrl-F12 > Required Flag must have the flag matching that function enabled in your Ctrl-F10 settings.

    4. Tap Done.

      To Prompt at this Setting Level

      To NOT Print at this Setting Level

      Ask for Receipt: Enabled

      Show Prompt: Enabled

      Ask for Receipt: Disabled

      Show Prompt: Disabled

      Prompt for receipt setting Do not auto print setting

Print on Some Registers, Do NOT Print on Some Registers, and Prompt on Other Registers

Follow these steps to configure some registers to automatically print receipts, some registers to NOT print receipts, and other registers to prompt the cashier about a receipt before printing.

To set registers to print, NOT print, or prompt for a receipt:

  1. Press Ctrl-F12 to open the Function List.

    1. Search for and select Configure Receipts.

    2. Scroll right to the Retail section.

    3. In the Required Flag field, enter the text Receipt: Ask For Receipt.

      Or enter text for a different flag as needed.

    4. Enter text to use for the receipt Prompt.

      For example, "Would you like a receipt?"

    5. Tap Done.

  2. Press Ctrl-F10 to open the Universal Settings.

    1. Choose the level at which registers should print, not print, or display a prompt. You'll need to configure settings at the level needed for each scenario.

      Changes to settings other than at the universal (global) level apply to the workstation used to make the changes. For example, if the register is in store ABC, changes to made to Store Settings on that register will apply to all registers in store ABC.

      • Group Settings – Workstation group assigned to the register

      • Workstation Settings – Current register

      • Store Settings – All registers within the current location

    2. Search for Receipts.

    3. Use the settings below based on your print or prompt needs.

      • To automatically print: – Check the box.

        • Ask for Receipt – Enabled

        • Show Prompt – Disabled

      • To NOT print a receipt:

        • Ask for Receipt – Disabled

        • Show Prompt – Disabled

      • To prompt for a receipt:

        • Ask for Receipt – Enabled

        • Show Prompt – Enabled

    4. Tap Done.

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