Configuring Subsidiaries for Dunning

After you install the Dunning Letters SuiteApp in your account, NetSuite creates a dunning configuration record for each active subsidiary. When you make an inactive subsidiary active, a dunning configuration record is automatically created for it. Each new subsidiary that you create will also automatically have a corresponding dunning configuration record created by the system.

The dunning configuration record is created with the following default settings:

Modifying a dunning configuration record is optional. Modify a subsidiary’s dunning configuration record if you do not want to automatically assign a dunning procedure when new customers, invoices or invoice groups are created for that subsidiary.

To view or edit a subsidiary’s dunning configuration record, go to Dunning > Setup > Dunning Configuration.

To disable automatic assignment of dunning procedures to customers, invoices or invoice groups of a subsidiary, clear the appropriate box on the dunning configuration record.

If you delete a subsidiary, its dunning configuration record is also deleted.

For more information about automatic assignment of dunning procedures, read the following topics:

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