Supported Subrecord Imports

The following table shows the subrecords for which you may be able to add or update data through CSV imports. These subrecords depend upon the features enabled in your account. You can see the subrecords available in your account for a particular record type on the Import Assistant's Field Mapping page.


Some related data may be structured as a sublist rather than as a subrecord of a record type. If you do not see a subrecord in the table below, see Supported Sublist Imports to check if the data is set up as a sublist instead.

Record Type


Classification: Location

Return Address



Transactions: Cash Sale

Billing Address

Items — Inventory Detail

Shipping Address



Transactions: Check

Items — Inventory Detail

Items — Landed Cost



Transactions: Credit Memo

Billing Address

Items — Inventory Detail

Shipping Address


Transactions: Estimate

Billing Address

Items — Inventory Detail

Shipping Address



Transactions: Inbound Shipment

Inventory Details

Items — Landed Cost



Transactions: Inventory Transfer

Adjustments — Inventory Detail



Transactions: Invoice

Billing Address

Items — Inventory Detail

Shipping Address



Transactions: Purchase Order

Billing Address

Items — Inventory Detail

Shipping Address



Transactions: Return Authorization

Billing Address

Items — Inventory Detail

Shipping Address



Transactions: Sales Order

Billing Address

Items — Inventory Detail

Shipping Address



Transactions:Transfer Order

Items — Inventory Detail

Shipping Address



Transactions:Vendor Bill

Items — Inventory Detail

Items — Landed Cost



Transactions: Vendor Credit

Items — Inventory Detail



Transactions: Vendor Return Authorization

Items — Inventory Detail

Related Topics

General Notices