SCIS Store Pickup and Orders for Delivery

You can enter an order in SuiteCommerce InStore (SCIS) and then have the customer pick up the order at a different store location or have the items shipped.

Customer Information is Required

Store pick up and delivery orders require selecting or adding a customer. The minimum information required for these order types is the customer’s name, street address, and email address. If you remove, modify, or replace the customer while the transaction is open:

Ensure the customer’s information is accurate before adding items to a store pickup or delivery order.


For information about adding notes to items in an order, read Adding Notes to Items and Transactions in SCIS.

To order an item for store pick up or delivery:

  1. Select a customer or add a new customer.

  2. Add one item or more to the transaction.

  3. Tap the Item Action menu under the item for Store Pickup, then tap Order.

    Order icon
  4. Tap Pickup.

    1. Select a store location where the customer can pick up the order.

    2. Tap Order.

To order an item for delivery:

  1. Select a customer, or add a new customer.

  2. Add one item or more to the transaction.

  3. Tap the Item Action menu under the item for delivery, then tap Delivery.

  4. Select an existing address for the customer or tap Add a new address. By default, SCIS uses the address defined in the customer profile.

    If you choose to add a new address, complete the following steps:

    1. Tap Add a New Address.

    2. Enter values for each of the required fields. Required fields are those fields marked with an asterisk (*).

    3. Select the following options that apply (you can choose more than one):

      • This is a Residential Address – marks the address as a residential address for delivery purposes.

      • Default Billing Address – designates this address as the default billing address for this customer.

      • Default Shipping Address – designates this address as the default shipping address for this customer.

    4. Tap Add.

  5. Select a shipping method.

  6. Tap Order

After taping Order, the following changes appear in the transaction:

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General Notices