Deferred Revenue Reclassification Report

This topic is for the Advanced Revenue Management report. For the classic revenue recognition context, see Deferred Revenue Reclassification Report. The help topics are similar, but the related reports are different.

Use this report to audit the reclassification activities shown in the Deferred Revenue Reclassification Activity Report. It provides detailed information about how the reclassification journal entry amounts are calculated for each order line. You can also use this report to forecast the recognition periods for current outstanding deferred revenue balances.

When you run this report, NetSuite stores a snapshot of the values in the accounts. You must run the reclassification process before you run the report to get the latest status for the period. For information, see Creating Reclassification Journal Entries.

Report results are grouped by customer, revenue arrangement, and individual revenue element. You can filter this report for a range of transaction dates, and select the effective date for the transaction report results. Customize the report to add filters such as currency and customer.

Some columns appear only if the Advanced Revenue Management (Revenue Allocation) feature is enabled. For information about enabling this feature, see Enabling the Advanced Revenue Management (Revenue Allocation) Feature.

This report includes the following columns:

This report may include an Unbilled Receivable Adjustment row for some revenue arrangements. Prior to 2021.1, when revenue arrangements or sub-arrangement groups had an unbilled receivable adjustment, the report included an Unbilled Receivable Adjustment row. This row showed the amount posted to the contract asset account determined by the accounting preference Unbilled Contract Asset Account. For periods prior to your upgrade to 2021.1, you see this row if the arrangement included an unbilled receivable adjustment. Any unbilled receivable adjustments that were not reversed prior to 2021.1 also use this row when the adjustment is reversed.. For additional information, see Groupings for Unbilled Receivable Adjustment Journal Entries.


Rounding may introduce small errors in this report for foreign currency transactions. This report rounds the Overlapping Amount (Tran Curr), Cumulative Gain/Loss, and Cumulative Rev Rec Amount After FX Adjustment (Base Curr) columns to two decimal places. The rounding may cause a small difference between the Effective Cumulative Billing Amount (Base) and the Cumulative Rev Rec Amount After FX Adjustment (Base). Actual account balances are not affected.

To view this report:

  1. Go to Revenue > Revenue Reports > Deferred Revenue Reclassification

  2. Select More to expand the footer.

    • For the Date, From, and To fields, select a date range that includes the date of the transactions you want to run the report for. For example, to view revenue reclassification activity for a revenue arrangement dated 7/15/2021, you must enter a date range that includes 7/15/2021.

    • For the As of date, select the ending period date for the report. The report returns the deferred revenue reclassification activity through this date.

    • Select a value in the Subsidiary Context filter if you have a OneWorld account and access to multiple subsidiaries.

    • Select a value in the Accounting Book filter if you are using Multi-Book Accounting and have access to multiple accounting books.

  3. Click Refresh to apply your filters.

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