Revenue Recognition Forecast Summary Report
This topic is for the Advanced Revenue Management report. For the classic revenue recognition context, see Revenue Recognition Forecast Summary Report. The topics are similar, but the related reports are different.
The Revenue Recognition Forecast Summary report shows the amounts of deferred and recognized revenue for customer obligations. You can use this report to view the totals for deferred revenue and the periods when revenue recognition is planned. Be sure to recalculate your revenue forecast plans before you run this report. For instructions, see Recalculating Revenue Forecast Plans.
This report is based on forecast revenue recognition and does not link directly to posted general ledger transactions. Its balances may not match general ledger balances. Other reports are better suited for reconciliation purposes. For a listing of these reports, see Reports for Advanced Revenue Management.
When you disable forecast plan creation, this report no longer includes forecasted lines. The accounting preference Disable Creation of Forecast Plans controls whether revenue recognition forecast plans are created. For information, see Setting Advanced Revenue Management (Essentials) Preferences.
The report is grouped by customer and source document. It includes the following columns:
Source Document – Click the values in this column to open the associated records.
Source Document Type – Click the values in this column to open the associated records.
Element – Click the values in this column to open the associated records.
Type – Indicates whether the row is Revenue, Contract Acquisition Cost, Item Resale Cost, or Item Labor Cost.
Deferred Revenue Account – Click the values in this column to open the account register.
Revenue Account – Click the values in this column to open the account register.
Is Recognized – Indicates whether the number in the Amount column has been recognized (T) or is planned (F).
Status – Each line from the source document may have up to three rows in the report. The number of rows depends on the revenue status and the number of periods included in the report. Only rows with non-zero values are displayed.
Forecasted – Amount in forecast revenue plans less amount already recognized and amounts planned in the actual revenue plan.
Planned – Unrecognized amount in actual revenue plans.
Planned on hold – Unrecognized amount in actual revenue plans on hold. A line cannot have both the status Planned and Planned on hold.
Recognized – Amount recognized through revenue recognition and deferred revenue reclassification journal entries.
Projected Foreign Currency Revenue Variance – Shows the potential foreign exchange (FX) gain or loss in future revenue entries. The gain or loss is calculated based on the difference between the revenue plan FX rate and the average billing FX rate.
To view this report:
Go to Reports > Revenue > Revenue Recognition Forecast.
Select a value in the Period filter.
The From and To values update automatically.
Use these additional filters as needed:
If you have a OneWorld account, select a value in the Subsidiary Context filter to access multiple subsidiaries.
If you are using Multi-Book Accounting, select a value in the Accounting Book filter to access different accounting books.
Use the Forecasting Components multi-select filter to choose the type of components displayed in the report. The options are Revenue Recognition, Contract Acquisition Cost, Item Resale Cost, and Labor Cost. Options are included in the filter only when the results include components of that type. If the Forecasting Components filter is not visible, click the More icon
to show the filter.
Click Refresh to apply your filters.
Related Reports
- Deferred Revenue by Customer Report
- Deferred Revenue by Item Report
- Revenue by Customer Report
- Revenue by Item Report
- Deferred Revenue Waterfall Summary Report
- Deferred Revenue Waterfall Detail Report
- Revenue Recognition Forecast Detail Report
- Billing and Revenue Summary Report
- Deferred Revenue Reclassification Activity Report
- Deferred Revenue Reclassification Report
- Deferred Revenue Rollforward Report
- Deferred Expense Waterfall Summary Report
- Deferred Expense Waterfall Detail Report
- Deferred Expense Rollforward Report