Setting Up Japanese Holidays to Validate Payment Due Dates

The holiday checking feature checks if payment due dates fall on local holidays or non-operational days, as defined by the administrator.

Holiday checking uses Holiday Types and Annual Holiday Date records to work. Holiday Types are defined holidays such as Coming-of-Age Day. Holiday Types are used to create Annual Holiday Date records that are assigned to Japanese subsidiaries for holiday checking.

The following are details about holiday checking:


The Japan Localization SuiteApp includes Japanese holidays for 2015 only. You must set up holidays for subsequent years.

To set up Japanese holidays:

  1. Set up Holiday Types. See Setting Up Japanese Holiday Types.

    See also Including Translations for Japanese Holiday Types.

  2. Create Annual Holiday Date records. See Creating Japanese Annual Holiday Date Records.

  3. Assign Annual Holiday Date records to Japanese subsidiaries. See Assigning Annual Holiday Dates to Japanese Subsidiaries.

The following table lists details about Holiday Types, Annual Holiday Date records, Use Holiday Checking box, and the Japan Holidays subtab.

Holiday Type record and Holiday Type List page

To create a new Holiday Type record, go to Setup > Japan Localization > Holiday Types > New.

To view existing Holiday Type records, go to Setup > Japan Localization > Holiday Types.

Holiday Types displayed on the Holiday Type List page are available for selection in the Display Name dropdown list on the Holiday record. You can enter translations for the holiday names if the Multi-Language feature is enabled.

Annual Holiday Date record

Go to Setup > Japan Localization > Annual Holiday Dates > New.

Annual Holiday Date records are custom records used to validate the payment due date on invoices. This record defines the date of the holiday (day, month, and year).

Use Holiday Checking box and Japan Holidays subtab

With OneWorld, go to Setup > Company > Subsidiaries, and select a Japanese subsidiary. On the subsidiary record, the Japan Holidays subtab is available, as well as the Japan Localization Setup subtab, which has the Use Holiday Checking box.

Without OneWorld, go to Setup > Company > Company Information, where the subtabs are available.

If the Use Holiday Checking box is checked and Due Date Adjustment is enabled, the system performs automatic checking and adjustment of a due date that falls on a holiday. The Japan Holidays subtab determines the holidays that the subsidiary will use to validate the payment due date.

Setting Up Japanese Holiday Types

A Holiday Type is what a holiday is called, such as Coming-of-Age Day. Holiday Types are used to create Annual Holiday Date records, which are assigned to Japanese subsidiaries and used for holiday checking. You can enter translations for Holiday Types if Multi-Language feature is enabled.

To create a Holiday Type:

  1. Go to Setup > Japan Localization > Holiday Types > New.

  2. Enter the name of the holiday in the Name field.

  3. (Optional) If the Multi-Language feature is enabled, enter translations in the Name column of a corresponding Language. The availability of the language fields for entering translations depends on the languages you have set up on the General Preferences page (Setup > Company > General Preferences).

  4. Click Save.

To edit a Holiday Type:

  1. Go to Setup > Japan Localization > Holiday Types.

  2. On the Holiday Type list page, click the Edit link of the Holiday Type you want to edit.

  3. Click the name in the Name field and edit the holiday type name.

  4. (Optional) To edit the translation of the holiday type, click the name in the Name column and edit the translated name.

    For more information, see Including Translations for Japanese Holiday Types.

  5. Click Save.


A Holiday Type that is associated with an Annual Holiday Date record cannot be deleted. If you do not need a Holiday Type, you can set it to inactive by checking the Inactive box.

Including Translations for Japanese Holiday Types

Adding translations for Holiday Types is optional. Perform the following steps if you want users to see translated names of Holiday Types depending on the language they specified on their Set Preferences page.

To include translations for a Holiday Type:

  1. Enable the Multi-Language feature by doing the following:

    1. Go to Setup > Company > Enable Features.

    2. On the Company subtab, check the Multi-Language box.

    3. Click Save.

  2. Add languages by doing the following:

    1. Go to Setup > Company > General Preferences.

    2. On the Languages subtab, add languages.

    3. Click Save.

      On the Holiday Type record, the Language column will display fields for the languages you selected. You can enter the translation of the Holiday Type in the Name field of the corresponding language.

Creating Japanese Annual Holiday Date Records

Annual Holiday Date records are custom records used to check or validate if payment due dates on invoices and credit memos fall on defined local holiday or non-operational day dates. This record specifies the exact date (day, month and year) of a Holiday Type.

When naming the Annual Holiday Date, include the year, followed by its corresponding Holiday Type, such as 2020 Showa Day. This will let you see and sort holidays for a specific year when assigning Annual Holiday Date records to Japanese subsidiaries.

To create Annual Holiday Date records:

  1. Go to Setup > Japan Localization > Annual Holiday Dates > New.

  2. In the Name field, enter a name for the Annual Holiday Date record.

    You should include the year and Holiday Type (such as ‘2020 Show Day’) for identification.

  3. In the Holiday Type field, select the Holiday Type associated with this Annual Holiday Date record.

  4. In the Date field, specify the date of the holiday.

  5. Click Save.


If you check the Inactive box, the system will not use this Annual Holiday Date for validating a payment due date. You cannot delete an Annual Holiday Date record that is already assigned to a subsidiary.

Assigning Annual Holiday Dates to Japanese Subsidiaries

After creating Annual Holiday Dates and associating them with their corresponding Holiday Types, you must assign the Annual Holiday Dates to Japanese subsidiaries.

To assign an Annual Holiday Date to a Japanese subsidiary:

  1. Go to Setup > Company > Subsidiaries.

  2. Click the Edit link of a Japanese subsidiary.

  3. Check the Use Holiday Checking box.

    If you want to disable the holiday checking feature for the subsidiary, clear the box.

  4. Click the Japan Holidays subtab.

    The holidays with their corresponding dates are listed.

  5. Add holidays that you want the subsidiary to use for validating payment due dates:

    1. Select a holiday from the dropdown field.

    2. Click Add.

  6. (Optional) To remove a holiday:

    1. Click the holiday name.

    2. Click Remove.

      If you do not want a holiday to be available to any subsidiary, you can edit its Annual Holiday Date record and make it inactive.

  7. Click Save. Repeat these steps for each Japanese subsidiary.


If you do not have a OneWorld account, a holiday is automatically added to the Japan Holidays subtab of the Company Information page after you save an Annual Holiday Date record. To remove a holiday, you must set its Annual Holiday Date record to inactive.

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